Why I Don't Play Singularity Anymore | Dead by Daylight

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22 thoughts on “Why I Don't Play Singularity Anymore | Dead by Daylight”

  1. yeah, won't lie, his power is lacking. my personal interest in him is just thematic, really. Kinda wish he had more cosmetics though, but guess we'll see what happens when the tome comes.

    And I've already said why I haven't been playing him probably two videos of yours ago (tl;dr: takin' a break in general), so I won't go into detail about that again.

  2. For fillers I tend to rotate between: Wesker (my main), Sadako, Pig, Freddy and Myers.

    During the PTB for Singularity, I kept feeling like I was doing a lot of work, just to do something another killer could do quicker. I kept comparing the Slipstream teleporting to Sadako and her TV teleporting, felt like I had to do less as Sadako to get similar results. Of course Singularity got changed and feels better but, I still have that same feeling. And with how good survivors can undue your Biopods, felt like Trapper but at least beartraps would injure survivors or lead to a down if I was close by. The best moment I had with Singularity was chasing a survivor in, The Game, I was able to instantly break 3 pallets and still get the survivor in the end.

    From survivor perspective, I've recently seen more Singularity and Skull Merchant players. But I find the drones of the Skull Merchant more of threat than Singularity's Biopods, especially since I can indefinitely hold an EMP. When the Singularity looks through the broken camera and sees what I'm doing, I feel safe since they still have to get to me. Skull Merchant's drones have the expose meter and the tracker if removed.

  3. Got tired of using him. You try to set up and when try to use your cameras emp so can't . Now I have to walk all the way over there. You need to remember where the cameras but also by using them and you standing still the gens are being done. Trying to use my power no emp again. Then also what bothers me changing from one camera to another but then you may pick the wrong to look then you will have to move to the next one so on so forth. If cameras had killer instinct that would be a bit helpful. With that it can alert you target is in range or something. Is just to much to even get a survivor infected and there goes the gens. Skull merchant and knight may be dull but they have something that lary does not have being simple. Another example hillbilly he to is simple just be careful with walls and if successful down goes the survivor fast. Lary you need to put too much awareness that not for me. I rather have simple. It would have been a whole lot easier to just shoot the survivor but no you need to use your cameras to do that. Time is wasting away Behavior.

  4. To me, the problem with Singularity is that either you are steamrolling everyone in the match or you are just a M1 killer without power, there is no middle ground for this killer.

    I wish they tweak EMPS a little bit more, so it would be harder to erase pressure from this killer.

  5. Honestly I don't have a lot of experience with singularity but one of the things I do know is that his power is simple to use but he's difficult to play and difficult to master and Scott jund saids he is not console friendly and I'm console myself and I recommend checking Scott's video about why no one plays singularity and singularity is like a combination of hag and pinhead where his chase is alright like pinhead's and has the set up like hag and has slowdown like pinhead where yet it takes a little bit of time to get used to him I personally think he's pretty strong if used correctly and if their was a singularity main that perfects him I think his potential reaches Bottom of A tier from my experience

  6. I planned to main this killer, I played him against bots in the PTB because I wasn't gonna wait those queue times, but hes too weak and janky to even feel rewarded for anything you do. Most of what I wanted out of it I was able to get out of Hag, who I bought at the same time during the sale. If it comes to chase power, just bring Hag with Spirit Fury + Enduring and its practically the same thing but with a stronger power thats way less janky, leading to much more fun.

  7. I like Singularity. I play him as a chase killer cause setting up is just waste of time when EMPs will break it so i just find a survivor and try to get them this tumour to say "man, fuck them pallets". He's kinda my main but i like playing many killers, not one all the time cause it's boring

  8. Singularity has actually become my favorite. Yeah he takes some setup, but you can hold an area of the map so well, and by setting up cams ahead of time in places you know survivors like to run or loop, you can slipstream them pretty early in chases and instantly close every gap. He isn't the very best killer, but I have made so many survivors DC by constantly catching them via slipstream. I've never made anyone DC as any other killer. Even if I don't get the 4k he just feels really rewarding to me once he is set up.

  9. Dead by daylight can be A 8 hour job
    Because it takes 8 hours to play each killer at least Once, I was planning on Doing 1 hour streams Like 4 Resident Evil Killers , Or do four female Killers , I just go by hours When it comes to gaming

  10. Reasons I don’t see singularity or people don’t want to play him are the emps I noticed when playing survivor the emps start printing when it shows your survivor standing still loading up like half of the emp is already almost done another reason is he is a difficult killer to master and play plus made for this kills this killer cause you lose so much distance, other reasons people don’t play him as well is he’s so clunky their is so many times a small branch can stop you from applying slip stream on them and his biopods Will sometimes not even slip stream a survivor when their whole body is in the open the buffs I would give singularity, are make soma family photo base kit he needs haste he loses way to
    Much distance and he needs kids baseball glove base like I don’t know why singularity has weskers mechanic where more people are infected the longer overclock last when the emps can literally get rid of slip stream so fast.


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