Why I Still Love DBD [Rant] | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

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►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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24 thoughts on “Why I Still Love DBD [Rant] | Dead by Daylight”

  1. If I was to guess a big part of it is the short matches going next isn't much of a commitment so you just do it. Another is the large amounts of rng hook you into think the next match will be super different. There's is more to it I'm sure but I think those are big factors
    Edit – spelling errors

  2. Honestly throughout my almost 5 years of experience in dead by daylight I think this in particular is a cursed game in a unique way like I've seen some people that quit the game and then come back like 3 months later and this is where I think this game is cursed in particular because it's like the only game they enjoy and don't want to leave it, and their has been some people that have wanted to quit the game but they never did,so the unique way is, DBD is addictive, other games such as Friday the 13th didn't have that, same with TCM and those games didn't really go the way it should've, and DBD is just that type of game where it's addictive and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but that's kinda my take on why some people have a weird feeling on wanting to quit but also stay

  3. DbD will always have a special place in my heart. I have met many amazing people over the years that I call my some of my best friends through this game. If I get stressed out, I take a step back and refresh. At the end of day. It’s just a game, some matches will go your way, some matches won’t.

  4. The question of why people keep going into more DbD matches despite being angry with the game is a good question, and its a position that I had found myself in for a few months as a survivor main during the Overcharge/Eruption/CoB meta.

    I think the answer for me came down to two major things:

    1.) DbD is rather unique. If you play games like CoD or Tekken and feel burnout, there are plenty of other FPS battle royal or fighting games to switch to. With DbD, that isn't really the case. I met friends while playing survivor on DbD and, because our friendship was established in DbD and we all liked that style game, I kept coming back to it because they couldnt agree on other genres to play together.

    2.) The survivor / killer split reinforces toxicity. Whenever i would bitch and moan about the game, it was usually about tunneling or camping or the 3-gen meta, which every other survivor main would agree with enthusiastically. Like yeah, I was pissed at the game, but that anger was leading to reinforcement from lots of other people. So at some point, I just learned to live with that anger and keep playing – if I just get through this miserable match against a quad slow-down Blight, then people will validate my anger and opinions about how OP Blight is afterward. It's a fucked up feedback loop that incentivizes continued play as opposed to taking a break from the game, which was the objectively correct thing to do.

    Obviously, this is my anecdotal answer and probably doesn't apply to everyone. I eventually took a break from DbD for a few months, returning during the anniversary event this year, and my mental state was significantly better while playing.

  5. Because you didn`t play it enough to have enough of it! And I am not talking played time! I mean waiting for "BHVR to finally get it right and make it all good"…Which will never happen…

    I came in from the Horror Side, still a Horror Fan and in my Opinion BHVR doesnt deserve these licenses anymore! They dont do justice to the characters and make them into punchingballs in their absolutely surv biased game! The intensity of SUrv bias changed over the years, but its constantly going to Surv side since at least 2019! The RUin Nerf was the marker for me! From there it all went downhill! Worst was the Freddy rework!

  6. A long time ago a streamer told me, if you go in thinking you are always going to win (escape)and get mad at that this game is not for you. I go into the game, play if i escape,escape. As long as i have done something or helped then i am fine with my matches

  7. I’d say it’s the tension between the brilliant scary movie concept realized well, and the intrinsically unbalanced and unfair gameplay.

    I think the base game is great but too many rules are broken by game elements (specifically perks), resulting in player choices feeling empty and robbed because someone brought something to counter it without you knowing.

    The game also has many bugs (hit reg, etc.) that make the results feel unearned, which further reduces a player’s sense of agency and therefore fun.

  8. I think it's fair to get mad from time to time – but taking a break is really good if you're in a bad headspace. Personally, I try to look at the brightside of my matches, regardless of if I get out or not. I also just take it upon myself to not respond to any negativity from other players, which has personally helped me to enjoy the game more. I think you said this really well though. Better than I could have. 🙂

  9. Competitive games always attract the side of the gaming crowd with anger issues. Mobas, FPSes, etc. Short fuses gravitate to activities they can enjoy with their friends, like everyone does, to cool down from their miserably angry lives, and competitive games happen to be a fun social activity… but then it becomes a vicious circle, because anger issues often come with an assload of pride, shortsightedness, and an "I'm not gonna get angry this time" that repeats forever.

  10. People are not as childish or dumb as you may think.
    They go into the game expecting to have a good time and relax vom stress … but the problems dont go away cuz theres always people who try to ruin other peoples fun and thats when they get emotional.

    " im here to have fun and people act like the biggest as,sholes " so u either have to close ur fav game or endure it for multiple matches which sux.

    I have the same approach as you but not everybody is as calm as you and i may be.

  11. Been playing since the end of August. This game is fantastic and I kick myself in the butt for not playing earlier. Win or lose I try to have fun. Thats the whole point. Sure I have terrible matches playing as both killer and survivor but those terrible matches improve my play. Along with videos from creators like you Headache. Appreciate your content and channel. Keep up the great work.

  12. Deciding to play the game for fun and not to win is what made me main Myers. I don’t ready up to stomp survivors and 4K every game, I instead ready up to spook ya and have never had more fun in this game!

  13. Kind of a more unique reason, i originally got into DbD because my best friend ended up getting a bundle of games from Humble Bundle and didn't realize he already owned DbD. I ended up getting the code and we got into the game together.

    That friend is no longer with us though, and DbD is something that will always take me back to those days with my best friend.

  14. I am also at fault to being that person at times that is being pessimistic about the game. Personally my belief is that it is the same with league of legends and other games that have the ''go next'' structure in terms of matches. These games are addicting. Often times competitive. It is also why people that play these games such as dbd, league of legends carry a shame to admit that they play them. I myself used to play league ''allot''. For some it is the drive of wanting to crush your opponent and getting that high. Which also brings their lows to bear. It is the extremes of both sides. But there is that part as well of people that love to hate for the sake of it. It is a strange thing that many people carry. I try to stay away from it. Burnout and punishing yourself is not good! So I take a break every ones in a while from dbd to become my positive self again.


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