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In this video, I wanted to show you how OP and insane this Michael Myers build is when you use the Tombstone Piece addon!!!
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Do you think the "Tombstone Piece" addon will be reworked in the future?
Spooky is such a GREAT content creator love your videos and love being apart of your Twitch and discord community! 💜
Survivors just werent skilled enough
Spooky, i once played against you, and i didn’t want to play anymore for the rest of the day.
If you use it in the "correct" way, you can kill 3 survivals using the tombstone piece
seeing this uploaded today after getting my shit rocked by a tombstone piece myers yesterday is PAINFUL
Can I have her lunch I love you're videos
"Myers is D tier."
I hate this addon 50% extra stalk to kill somebody lmao
it was Michael myers, in the library, with a knife
I wish I was there to see this on stream, but I'm glad your youtube content exists lol it's the next best thing!
@SpookyLoopz why did you dc?
Run jmyers memorial and judiths journal
That ending when he stood in the circle had me literally laughing out loud.
You are the reason why this game is so hard for new killers in the game like me stop complaining its already hard for killers in this damn game just cause its easy for you cause u got 10,000 hours in this game doesnt mean that its easy for everyone else damn stop crying
Myers be laying down that good on all the ladies lol
Personally, I would change Fearmonger for Spirit Fury.
Burger King myers meet Jamba juice myers lol
"Hello friends this is otz" bass boosted
bro chnage the title this does not need nerfed with the state of myers 😭😭😭 please don’t nerf my boy
Why don't you wait for your tier 3 to almost run out then you tombstone the survivor right before it run out then you would still most of the stalk
You summoned Otzdarva! Good stuff!
Lol Otz keep up the good works loopz luv ur vids😁😊
omg you keep PWYF
Best outro I’ve ever seen LMAO summoning Otz I can’t, i’m so high that broke me lmaooooooooooooo spooky you’re w legend for that
As a Myers main, if 2 gens pop and there are no hooks…this should be enough warning.
Yet another slam dunk build for my leather face perk wise, GG Spooky thank you!
Myres in the movies be like
I will always bring a tombstone piece to mori the guy who tbags and points at pallets just so he doesn't get his bloodpoints
"Hello Friends. It's *demon noises*"
As soon as I woke up from a nap spooky loops post appears…, my day has really turned around. Loops is a comedic killer god.❤