Why Is This Still In The Game? – Dead By Daylight (HUGE Knight Glitch)

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Why Is This Still In The Game? – Dead By Daylight (HUGE Knight Glitch)

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40 thoughts on “Why Is This Still In The Game? – Dead By Daylight (HUGE Knight Glitch)”

  1. Figured I'd bring this glitch back up since it only got stronger. Now the Knight can rip you off a gen without you even seeing it is coming since his orb disappears when you go a certain distance. Videos have been made of this and it's been sent in to the Devs before, so hopefully it gets fixed finally 🙂

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  2. Let's be honest, this is not even spaghetti code anymore, this is obviously dummy-programmed way of his ability. Instead of creating second character you control, devs rather said "Hm, you will be controling 1 entity, just your camera will move with green thingy and your character will stay in place. Haha, we got rid of a tons of work, genius plan.", yea… Because of this they had to patch dozens of bugs and they still aren't finished. Quiet claps

  3. I really wish they took a break from rifts, cosmetic bundles, any new chapters and events until ALL or almost all of these bugs are taken out of the game and the game is optimized/QA is done for each platform. People always say they're all in different departments, but at the end of the day its still one company and one vision. If they can't multitask without breaking several things in the game literally every single patch then they clearly need to take a smaller workload and take it step by step. Its also not as if this bug is something rare, players have seen stuff like this in the game and way worse for 5+ years already and half of them fly under the radar for long periods of time. That's not even including game balance, mechanics and maps

    They even asked about this on their livestream 2 years ago. They said on Twitch that they were aware a decent amount of people have given feedback showing they prefer quality assurance over new content and they asked players to confirm this in an upcoming survey. I'm not sure if it ever actually made it onto a survey, but I know for a fact the game would be in a much better place if they took a couple of months away from monetization to focus on making sure the game is actually working correctly and that balance changes and QoL features can be done more efficiently. They may not be filthy rich like Activision but they're not broke either. If they can afford William Birkin then they can definitely afford to skip a chapter

  4. There actually a worst bug in my eyes.
    Some times when a guard starts a hunt they spaz out and dont hunt but take there time like they where hunting well they spaz outside the map or when they randomly despawn.

  5. Kinda telling how some killer mains, not all seem to be completely okay with this. Like it should remain a viable ability because it just makes the Knight "good", I think there's a huge difference in opinion with those of us that want actual balance and those in the community that want easy mode bugs to carry their matches. Reminds me of the same people still wanting Wesker's grabbing you through an already vaulted window to remain in-game.

  6. The lol answer – Knight needs all the help he can get. Leave it in.

    The serious answer – The amount of times you get a pick up like this in a proper game is very very slim.
    Exit gate – if you got to them with the orb then you would have reached them normally.
    Pallet – You can hear when the knight puts his sword down. Move on to another loop
    Gen – You MIGHT get the pick up if you know what side they are on. This depends on the layout and whether you can see them before they see you put your sword down.

  7. exploit 100%, not just that, u can also easily camp with this shity killer, and u cant ds him because he can place a guard next to u before picking u up, then u get the guard and the knight in ur face in 4 sec after and ur dead. all i can say, trash game.

  8. A knight did this to me yesterday.
    So he just has to do his power and stop it right in front of a svv doing an action?

    Devs are so killer sided. When a glitch gives svv advantages, they killswitch the perk right away.
    And as today, we still have this glitch (even stronger) and the basekit lightborn…


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