Why We All Love the Hillbilly | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive

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Welcome, friends and foes, Survivors and Killers. Today we’ll be diving deep into the damaged mind of the Hillbilly, understanding his inspirations and identity, and relating his experiences to his interpretations of them.

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41 thoughts on “Why We All Love the Hillbilly | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive”

  1. Great content, as usual. And because this one was about Max, it does make me wonder about Bubba. I understand that your material is scripted, but, and you have all the time to consider it (no rush), if you need assistance in researching him, I'd be all to willing to do so, as I feel I am one of the biggest Texas Chainsaw fanatics out there. There's so many interesting details, especially concerning the original 1974 classic.
    For example, most people see the later films and think that it's every bit a gore-tastic slasher flick, but there's surprisingly so little gore (not entirely absent mind you, but more…subdued…than it would become) , so little in fact that John Furman, the Director of the British Film Classification Board in charge of editing or even blacklisting the Video Nasties of the '70's and '80's, 'tried' to cut the movie… but found that he couldn't. Because all the violence and gruesome activities took place just out of focus, or was hidden by shadows. Thus the movie was able to play off the fear of not knowing, of letting your mind fill in the blanks, as opposed to just showing you the nightmare imagery. You have cinematographer Daniel Pearl to thank for that. Plus, Hooper stated he wanted the movie to be 'PG-Rated' so more folks could see it, but the threatening atmosphere, grotesque subject matter, and so on bumped it up to a hard 'R-Rating,' in spite of not having a ton of gore.
    There's also the fact that it served as a metaphor of the American Meat Industry (Nubbins is the Rancher who brands their van with his blood; Bubba is the Butcher, Meat-Trimmer, and Packer who processes the meat; and Drayton is the Restauranteur who doesn't kill the meat, merely buys it, prepares it in his kitchen, and sells it to his customers for profit, all the while complaining about the plight of 'Small Business Owners who Get it in the Ass'),
    as well as tons of darkly ironic humor… though Hooper would complain that aside from the 'Grandpa being too old to properly hold onto the hammer' gag, most viewers didn't get the more subtle ones, such as Nubbins saying that the Sledge is the best way to put down cattle, 'They die better that way,' which resurfaces a few scenes later with Kirk being thwacked over the noggin with the Sledge, convulsing in pain on the ground, forcing Bubba to hit him more than once over the head, just as in real cattle-culling; or Bubba chasing Sally to his home, the latter slamming the door behind herself as she races upstairs to escape the former, resulting in Bubba chainsawing HIS OWN DOOR (adding to the absurdity is the fact that Sally didn't really lock it, just hurriedly slammed it into Bubba's face, meaning it WASN'T EVEN LOCKED, THERE WAS NO POINT FOR IT), leading to Drayton complaining to Nubbins "Look what your brother DID TO THE DOOR, this is why we never leave him on his own, ya hear?!' ; or Sally telling Nubbins when her group first encounters him that they can't drive him all the way to his home, because 'they're in a hurry,' leading to a scene (following Drayton complaining to Nubbins about Bubba's door-sawing) where Nubbins is full of sadistic glee upon realizing who the 'Dinner Guest' Drayton brought home is, taunting her by saying, 'I thought YOU was IN A HURRY? HAHAHAHA!!!' And of course, the butt monkey of the film, poor wheelchair-bound Franklin, whose only crime is being whiney due to his being unable to move around on his own, being attacked by Nubbin, being abandoned by his friends, and finishing all of that off, being the ONLY PERSON IN THE ENTIRE FILM to actually die by the title Chainsaw (everyone else is bonked over the head by the Sledge).

  2. I never really played Billy because I suck at the game and yeah … but I LOVE Billy. He's cute with all his noises, and he looks cute, and I just wanted to hug him especially after I read his Tome Lore. I want to give him the love and affection that he deserves!

  3. On second, thought… you already seemed to cover most of Bubba's finer points in the video, so me offering to share my knowledge, when you already seem quite knowledgeable about him is sort of a moot point. I just got excited when I saw the new video show up in my recommendations. Still, you do make quality content, perfectly balancing the tone of 'comedic and entertaining' alongside the 'serious and methodical.'

    And the fact that you actually took the time to tell me 'happy birthday' when I commented on your Twins montage video (when most other Youtubers would be busy creating new content, not pausing to address most comments except after days of waiting, and sometimes not even then)… well, that really made my day! =) Keep on doing what you love, as others love it as much as you presumably do.

  4. when your appearance makes you a monster to others and your communication skills are lacking and it's not your fault you suffer and turn into monster when in actuality you're just an innocent boy just want to watch tv and enjoy a happy life.

  5. I think calling himself Max Jr is perfect.
    His father was a monster to him, in turn he took his father's name and showed the world what his parents were like on the inside.

  6. Man i miss the days when i made incoherrent bayou nosies like the pigman from samurai jack and I would just run around the map with no overheat or anything.

    My friends screaming in fear when I would sprint by was hilarious. Good times.

  7. The space billy is the scariest part of this, I think.

    But also, what the hell?! I’m pretty sure everyone who played him wants Billy to be happy. I just want to hug him. The whole chainsaw thing might complicate that though.

  8. Great video. I have a tip regarding your editing, you sometimes have extended periods of silence in-between your cuts which makes the video feel a bit unnatural. I would suggest trying to trim those down a bit.

  9. I always wondered what hillbilly did to attract the entity after all of that bloodshed. You can see him chilling in the farmhouse mesmerised by the television seated next to the rotting corpses of his parents, so obviously he's been there a while. Just chilling.

    Like was the entity waiting for the power company to turn off the power so that hillbilly could enjoy as much television as possible before taking him to the realm? Did hillbilly instead fall into an inconsolable pile of misery and the entity offered him another television if he murders survivors?


  10. Billy-billy (thats how i call him) was my favorite killer since i saw him in his reveal trailer,the way he uses his chainsaw is in my opinion quite original,and i wanted to master him,but i only started playing the game this year on my cellphone,i personally dont mind that much the overheat mechanic,but its annoying sometimes,when i discovered the tomes,i was hooked (XD) with all those stories,then i readed billys one and i was a bit sad after i finished,it left me thinking "what if….what if billy had a normal life? What if billy had parents who treated him like a human being instead of like a monster?",it left me thinking like no other story did,to this day,i wish billy had a better life


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