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WHY YOU SHOULD STOP USING THIS PERK – Dead By Daylight (DBD Developer Update Patch Notes)
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7% for a perk this bad is really high, so I figured I'd share this to hopefully lower that number :')
Run whatever perk you enjoy tho <3
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More people will be dead on first hook after this
i only use self-care with bite the bullet to just try and hide from the killer. so fun when it works
is anyone still running selfcare? at this point, might as well remove it from the game really. self care and boon circle of healing had been nerfed to the ground. might as well remove them. He devz are literally imbec*les. they have no idea how to play their own game.
Leaving dbd was a good decision.
I will continue to run self care with no mither.
You can’t stop me.
Time to report self care c*nts
Oh man the circle of healing nerf is gonna suck 😭
I made a little test using self-care with sloppy butcher active.
It takes 86 seconds to fully heal
Doing a gen solo takes 90 seconds to fix.
Unless they change it, Self care is a dead perk.
Can't wait to never play this game again after what they did to Billy. 😊
Lees Still Gaming: "Use Inner healing more"
Hex: Pentimento users: (Happy sounds)
inner healing + 14 sec totem ,no matter what^^
Honestly this healing nerf might kill solo q, the amount of times I've died because my teammates won't heal me in favor of doing gens or I can't find them or I find the killer again before I die. I never run boons cause even before this nerf I see them as a waste of time. But gutting healing completely might kill this game for me. We will see though. I'm gonna enjoy DBD while I still can 😂
If I see a Mikaela spend 20 some seconds to boon COH when this update goes live and take the equivalent amount of time as a whole gen to heal herself only to get downed again right away I'm going to drop dead then and there 😂
I have like 3k hrs and still use self-care lol but i combine it with other perks like botany and desperate measures and its like u have circle of healing everywhere.
selfcare and circle of healing perks for babies
I'll only use it for BtB dw
I have a video on my channel of a meghead self caring next to the last generator while I work on it and they can see me working on it, but instead of actually helping they heal for 40 seconds, don't even finish because they took so long and the killer found them, run past the generator that was nearly done and throw the whole match. These people don't have intelligent thoughts running through their head. Do you think the selfcaring meghead goes to watch DbD videos that can help them be a better team mate? No. They are the type to die 10 matches in a row because they spend half of it self caring and go "ah well, unlucky".
Nurse there for emotional support.
Noo guys you just dont get it they're actually just trying to buff bite the bullet!!
Instead of gens, all solo q survivors are going to be fighting for those totems lmao. BHVR in their efforts to shake things up just made a mess. I guess we will see in the PTB, it will be interesting that's for sure.
So they nerfed circle of healing and buffed inner healing which increases its pick rate which in Turn nerfs hex Perks into oblivion except If you have pentimento… Imagine the entire Squad with inner healing Just to have the Killer have 5stacks pentimento in 4 gens… Making healing in Turn Take even longer…
OK, I think my time with dbd, is coming to an end. ☔
I can't wait for the update to drop and start using anti-healing builds. This one is gonna be fun !
why should you stop playing dead by daylight with this patch *fix
"Just don't get hit"
I don't know a single person that has ran Self Care since 2019
Any nerf to survivors is always gonna buff every killer, i dont see the point in bringing up nurse when she will win no matter what anyway healing nerf or not and self care has always been garbage the fact people still uses it or the devs haven't changed these things is crazy to me but I'm definitely not gonna say stop the changes because these extremes exist, im tired of this healing gen kick meta that we've been in, dead hard won't be this perk you always have to look out for at the start of a game, real meta shift they just had to actually gut the good perks of old to useless/niche levels.
My usual healing build consists of "Botany Knowledge + Self-Care + Bite The Bullet + Lucky Break" saved me so many times being able to hide and healing making no noise. Will see how ouchy the nerf will be to that build.
Inner healing should include booning
Personally, I use Bond and Leader, and it's much more reliable than expected.
Time to run Reactive Healing on everyone.
Honestly, if this update goes through as it is, there's literally no reason to play SoloQ. With no way to heal reliably on your own and medkits near-useless and unreliable teammates, unless I'm in a SWF I ain't playing Survivor.
Even then, Survivor is going to be boring because since Killers no longer have any meaningful gen-defense perks then they are going to tunnel even harder to compensate.
Healing/chase/meme builds for Survivors are now just throwing, with no good healing the only playstyles are going to be genrush builds and the "get away from me" meta.
Preventing Survivors from healing efficiently and killing Dead Hard (also lightburn removed because reasons) also essentially massively buffed Nurse since DH, healing and a flashlight were the 3 consistent tools to survive slightly longer against a decent Nurse.
Imo it's a trash update for both sides and pretty unhealthy overall. It's really a shame because there were so many different, healthy way to fix a few issues that weren't messing up the whole game and worsening parts of it.
Inner healing doesn't take 8 seconds, you're forgetting the 13 seconds it takes to break a dull totem.
But only five times you can heal with inner healing. If you can't find one it's an empty slot.
Self care is only good for finishing a heal after using boon or something
Some perks are literally just there to fill a slot on a character for you to waste your blood points on…
Second Wind, Inner Healing, You know, when they nerf a Killer perk we look for alternatives, something you can do as shown in the video.
Inner healing is not 8 seconds thoug, you need to cleanse first which is 14 seconds plus you got to go from totem to locker location, so its basically the same.
noooo! self care is still the best killer perk. stop advising ppl to not use it!