Will DBD Last Much Longer? | Dead by Daylight

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#DBD #Commentary #Rant

Video Song: Black Rainbows by White Bat Audio

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17 thoughts on “Will DBD Last Much Longer? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. It's the kind of game that will always have a hardcore player base. I can't see this game ever being "dead". Many/most people will move onto something else in the next couple years but it's the kind of game you get in the mood to play occasionally. I constantly dip into this game when there's nothing particularly interesting and new to play. Like right now, I'm not going to be on this game for probably months because I'll be beating Elden Ring about 80 times in a row

  2. I think realistically it’s on its deathbed. Like it’s still kicking but it’s constantly getting defibed every three months. New and old players jump back on to Dbd to play the new content and then leave. All because the game never really improved much at all; balance and QOL are at the back and new content is at the front. It’s a state of Purgatory basically where it’s the same process over and over again. They gain players then shortly lose them and probably even lose more players; it’s been this way since Binding of Kin.

    Dbd might definitely be in trouble soon since more competition is starting to pop up; Evil Dead, VHS, and Texas Chainsaw. So it gives even more reason for some more players to leave. All that Dbd would have is licensed content but who cares about licenses if the games not fun or doesn’t even have passion in it anymore. It’s a walking decaying corpse, if it doesn’t die by the player base leaving. Dbd will kill itself with its constant stream of content on top of its aging engine in which holes are already starting to show. So yeah, basically its in Purgatory.

  3. DBD isn't going anywhere anytime soon as long as they keep updating the game and don't do something like company destroying bad. It has that MMO thing going for it in that way where sure people will get tired of it and play Elden Ring for awhile but they'll still come back to DBD in the end because theres new content to experience just like how Destiny 2 stays so high despite being a older game. Even if VHS is successful it won't kill off DBD anytime soon and from what I hear is already having major balancing issues with nobody wanting to play Killer. If fixed it would still need that copyright power and to be multi-platform before it can even think or begin to de-throne DBD. Possibly even cross-platform as well, 3 reasons a lot of people do choice to play DBD.

  4. Unfortunately DBD is going the wrong direction since SBMM was introduced and since that happened I have not played this game since October and is sad to see this game with so much potential been thrown into the garbage.

  5. In my (frantical and hyper hypotetical) opinion BHVR still hasn't deatached themself from the mindset of that they had when they were making and releasing the game: a hide and seek (see the first version if DbD, 5 sec to put a trap and to grab someone out of a window) shovelware. It was supposed to be dumped and then boom next project. Then they found themself with this successfull game that they strangely didn't anticipate for and they just decided to ride the wave in a lazy way. Since the moment that it didn't have any competition the devs never got their priorities straight and just kept going with the lazy river. I don't think they even consider the Texas chainsaw massacre, the Evil dead and VHS as competitors, they are probably thinking that they will just sink like their previous ones (home sweet home, the last year) funny thing is that Friday 13th was chopping their legs but then they had the stroke of luck: Jason rights were brought in a lawsuit. So they just hope to rely on the luck of being the sole provider of this genre of games while doing as minimal effort as possible. I like the game, but I'm not against it recieving some hard blow to the jaw to set the devs straight.

  6. I don't think DBD is going to just suddenly die, but they're definitely slowly bleeding players atm and many people are quite upset with the current state of the game. I doubt that everyone will stop playing, but it's a shame to see how many people have stopped playing every month and it would be nice if BHVR could actually take notice of that and what the major gripes with the game people have are and address them.

  7. What’s worrying is that the big streamers are leaving, JAEE, Scot jund and more. I don’t know if it’s gonna die soon but it’s really not looking good considering their “way” of fixing stuff is bloodpoints and people are still leaving.

  8. I think eventually we will get a dbd pt 2 similarly to overwatch. I think what’s going to happen relatively soon is there will become a point in which a dlc will be added and break the game worse than the twins and 4th year anniversary debacle. It’s basically acceptable now that every update breaks a 1/3 of the game, but I think eventually there will be a super issue that damages to much resulting in too many issues to be fixed or even able to be fixed. With all the modern technology, the larger staff compared to when they started BHVR could just cut their losses and make another game but this time not make it on spagettti code. And they can probably work on a deal to bring back all the roaster in a future games. So ya in short I think they will eventually have too much content in the game and it will result in issues that will be unable to be fixed until a pt 2 gets made with the better staff and technology.

  9. No game will overtake dbd as long as they have Myers, Freddy, Leatherface, and all the other licensed characters. If another 4 v1 game came out where I can use Myers I'd quit dbd In a heartbeat.

  10. i mean… sure there are 59k peak players on… and one would say that will take a while for that number to hit 0… its was 100k 4 months ago… if that that would happen again over the next 4 months… that would be a loss of 84% of the current 59k left playing… 9k from steam and who ever else on platforms… their trash code prevents them from stopping hacking which will only get worse… and mmr is still a thing… it will be a slow death… now they have made some good changes.. surprisingly.. but it feels like a sinking ship.. as a rat i would leave. id say in 2 years it will reach about top 50… 2 after that it will be top 100… if no direct course change happens… if they just keep plugging their ears and drip feeding content and fixes.. it will drop until it doesn't make money.. its at this point… when the cash in doesn't beat cash out.. they will stop the drip.. and it will end.


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