Will this HUD Fix Solo Q? | Dead by Daylight

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Can a new in-game HUD significantly affect the Solo Q Experience?

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23 thoughts on “Will this HUD Fix Solo Q? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think this is actually way more than just info, survivors will feel pressured to do gens instead of hide, due to social pressure from their other teammates, which will lead go way more gen progress

  2. Maybe we should be able to see the gen and heal progress of teammates in the same way we can see the recovery progress. SWF can call those out, giving it to soloQ would only balance the two closer.

  3. The progress on gens and healing should be shown on the hud like how recovery is. And I think kindred should be basekit or there should be voice lines to let people know where you’re going/if you’re going for a save

  4. To the guy who said solo q hud shouldn't allow a killer pick up icon, most braindead thing Ive read. Completely missing the point of trying to make solo q as par as possible with swf.

  5. Honestly, I had my disappointment ready for the HUD. I thought it was minimal, but with the healing and self recovery, while also showing the chase.

    The only thing I miss, is a killer instinct-like ability. As Killer Instinct doesnt indicate distance, its just as good as a comms callout.

  6. My only concern about this is the “in chase” aspect of it since it seems to give the survivors too much information when playing hit and run since the rest of the survivors won’t be surprised as much because they know exactly when the killer goes for someone else

  7. This was very needed now solo q is at least comparable to swf there's no progress it looks like when showing when teammates are on gens which is something that swf has but it can't be perfect but I think progress would be nice I was always saying that maps should include a more robust ping system with gens progress, totems, and items on the ground or on chest but this is much better ! Still think maps should be able to ping items and chest

  8. the HUD is enough. the whole premece of DBD is supposed to be people thrown into a situation where they have to survive. if they added these other things Dowsey suggests it may very well ruin the game

  9. I run the perk Empathy for this exact type of information. The minute a team member gets injured I can see where they got injured, all of their movement during their injury, and where they go down. I can coordinate exactly where I need to be to either rescue them or to be as far from them as possible if I know that the killer is running something that might cause the generator to be affected but most importantly I can go jump on the generator they just ran away from. This is a better set up than that but I would like to see what it’s like to have the hud and run empathy and whether or not it’ll feel like overkill. I think the replacement perk will either be Adrenaline, Botany Knowledge, or Left Behind. My perks which will probably be based on how the HUD causes the survivor queue behaviors to change. I’m excited.

  10. Having the icons doesn't change anything. You either know how to play the game or you don't. The problem with SoloQ is the players, most of them want the casual run around and do shit, others want to achieve something, some only want win streaks. Aside from the players there's a clear lack of Matchmaking. MMR doesn't work cause it doesn't track skill, so there's already a really big issue between the skill of survivors in a match and then you put their playstyle in the mix.

    Chill survivors should play with chill killers and try hards with tryhards but that's not reality, reality is the game is a gigantic mix because MMR is the primary matchmaking source but MMR is a useless metric in DbD.

    You should know what you should be doing, if you don't then it's either A) The Game's Fault for not teaching you or B) Your fault for not doing it. DbD suffers from both. Very very poor tutorial and alot of people who don't do what they are supposed to.

    The icons won't make people do Gens, the icons won't make people better at looping. Why is knowing if people are working on gens important? They have to be done regardless of who's doing them.

    Why is it important knowing who's being chased? You gotta assume the killer is always on someone cause that's their gameplay loop, find, chase and Hook.

    You gotta be prepared for this if you're not then the game's at fault or you're at fault. Whenever you're not in chase you work on objectives, whenever you're in chase you try to make it as long as possible. That's it, 2 very simple things. Hold M1 and learn Looping, the game is not hard at all for survivors that it requires so much handholding.

    I still think after 3 years of DbD that the game needs to seperate people. Tryhards and Casuals are hurting each other, MMR is hurting everyone and BHVR has no respect for us or the game.


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