William Birkin Skin, Moonlight Burrow Event, Survivor UI, New Skins, New Event! | Dead By Daylight

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William Birkin Skin, Moonlight Burrow Event, Survivor UI, New Skins, New Event! | Dead By Daylight
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0:00 – Intro
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31 thoughts on “William Birkin Skin, Moonlight Burrow Event, Survivor UI, New Skins, New Event! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I'm glad they brought Ada's resident evil 4 dress and Jill's resident evil revelations suit and William birkin from resident evil 2 remake into the game, I hope they bring Ashley and Luis from the resident evil 4 remake!

  2. In case anyone wants to know what you can earn in the event since King can't be bothered to tell you, here's what you get.

    New heads for Trickster and Blight , Doctor body, and Oni Sword

    New Heads for Claudette and Elodie, new Shirt for Jonah, and new Pants for Yun-Jin

  3. 6:39 That's not even how the event works. The auras of envelopes you find are those of other players who activated their envelopes. You first see the aura of your envelope. You find it to activate it, so other players can find it. If another survivor or the killer opens your envelope, you BOTH get the BP bonus. You're a Fog whisperer, stop spreading misinformation like this and actually know what you're talking about.

  4. 6:15 Wrong information on how you get cosmetics from the envelopes. You are saying you need to get your own and leave the person’s envelope for them. You can’t open your own envelope and need others to do it for you as you need to help others by opening theirs. You can reveal your envelope but that is it.

  5. They should’ve shown when the totem is lit on the hud and when they go for an unhook as well as the gen percentage so we know when someone’s gen is almost done to go help if the other person isn’t doing anything or whatever


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