Winstreak Fraud And Stupidity | Dead by Daylight

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20 thoughts on “Winstreak Fraud And Stupidity | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I dislike fraudulent winstreaks as well. It ruins what the term win streak is.

    Here's my thoughts if you're not taking the win streak seriously and coming up with excuses you shouldn't be doing a winstreak. Part of win streaking is being humble and saying hey I messed up here, here and here., and the survivors play well. Not coming up with excuses

    I also think there should be a new definition of win streaking. with two varients ZERO perks for both forms but, one with add ons, one without add ons. This type of win streak would be you only using the full potential of the power rather than your build. 3 kill requirement only.

  2. The largest streak I ever did was 192 with Oni.
    But doing that streak basically ruined the character for me and he stopped being my main for roughly a year. Now I'm getting back into him but I am so rusty

    Fun fact, I'm pretty sure I lost my streak to a cheater. But I'm only pretty sure. The match is more of a distant memory these days. But I gladly took the excuse to stop sweating so hard that it ruined my favorite character

  3. I've never liked winstreaks your example is a good one why, and this game is so broken and poorly balanced at times I feel like they bring no value, it's a lot like competitive, I will never get how you can take a game with extreme levels of RNG and piss poor balancing and take it seriously. It's the only content of Otz's I don't enjoy because all I feel like it does is exacerbate this games issues tenfold. No shade toward him obviously, he's probably trying to do whatever he finds enjoyable and people can play the game how they want, running the strongest shit every game for as long as I want to keep up a streak just doesn't seem fun to me for either side.

  4. I played a match once against a Nurse who was livestreaming and saying they were going for the world record highest Nurse winstreak. They then facecamped at 5 generators (before the anti-facecamp update) and my allies gave up because they just didn't want to play against that. And he counted it as a win. And I mean, it was, but I don't know. It just seems like such a meaningless achievement if a significant number of your "wins" are just because nobody wants to play against you.

    For the record, I didn't trash talk them or even say anything to them, I just checked their stream out of curiosity. What I said above was just my feelings on it.

    Anyway, Otz has the best winstreaks in my opinion. Because his win condition is sane and consistent (3k, 4th survivor doesn't matter, a loss versus a blatant cheater doesn't count) and he places limitations on his builds to make it legitimately very hard to win.

  5. I don’t even wanna comment on winstreaks but the turret invincibility bug… IS THAT WHY??? I’ve been feeling like a fucking idiot recently because my turrets haven’t been breaking and I’m like… huh? It’s been putting me off playing the character a little bit because it’s so annoying going to hit a turret and having it take you out of your power anyway and the fact that it’s bugged makes so much sense

  6. I personally think that winstreaking as a concept in dbd is fine, and it can be very challenging and exciting, sure there are going to be some games where the survivors or the killer aren't going to the match with that mentality and sweatiness but there are games where that energy is very well matched, especially now with sbmm going on (even though it doesn't function properly, sometimes it does), and while yes dbd has still some very unfair aspects to it, not everyone can go on a 1000 winstreak if they equip 4 slowdowns and the best killer in the game, because at the end of the day it's the player that makes the difference.

  7. Personally I do winstreaks based off a theme or build rather then just a character. I just lost my hex Bubba winstreak to a guy with counterforce which spiced up the games and made them interesting at least to me

  8. I 100% agree. I can also add on to it. Bringing the strongest build you possibly can to public matches where majority of ppl are just trying to casually play will of course lead to winstreaks. Those casual people literally have not brought the builds and mentality to compete with you.

  9. The only win streaks I have enjoyed and can back are the stupidly difficult ones that Otz has previously done.

    Otherwise, a win streak is literally hard tunnel at 5 gens and stack slow down.

    It is boring and miserable.

  10. the event is changing the basics of the game, literally it’s like a new dead hard, i hit them once and they haul ass to a rift and i’m literally like tom and jerry chasing them down through the void and map, it’s super annoying.

    not to mention you have no power in the void either so ranged killers that are slower like deathslinger, huntress or nurse are literally useless.

  11. I'd be more interested to see winstreaks with odd perk/addon setups, or none used at all. It's kinda like the old adept system in that most streaks are simply about stacking the deck, but to the point it becomes boring. If you're bringing double iri addons & all meta perks against random unsuspecting solo q's, no shit you're going to do well on average. If I run Hag w/Rusty Shackles and take us to Midwich, I know I'll be in for an easy time most matches; and that's fun now and again, but bringing the most overwhelming addons & perks to bear every match against teams that aren't expecting or prepared for it… it just seems incredibly dull to me & doesn't prove a whole lot either.

    Maybe I've just become jaded to the game but DBD was at its most interesting to me when I didn't have all the perks, was still relatively newish and wasn't afraid to try out my own (non-meta) builds, I've really been liking the randomised perk challenges as it kinda recaptures that for me.

  12. Win streak content in DBD has had a very negative impact on the game imo. The amount of times I’ve seen a killer on a huge win streak and they’re still cursing about how OP survivors are etc is ridiculous


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