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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Poggers btw love your videos
Tru3 moment
This video is how dumb survivors look trying to 360 and imitate youtube videos. Just stop it already.
I want to see Tru verse Oracle again with Nurse.
I cannot wait to get that ax for my wraith, than my Wraith outfit will be compleat
At least wraith is good some other person said trickster was better than nurse unironically
At 2:20 Claudette should of just died from that fall, lol. Hope that’s in the weekly highlight reel.
10-15 seconds away after a hit? You on the crack pipe?
Lol and Oracle shit on you, you forgot to mention that
dam did he rlly not let that girl leave at the end ? lol thats fucked up 🤣🤣
I want to see Tru vs Agony with any killer
Can you please stop finding an excuse to play Wraith? I know he's fun and all but I and the rest of your audience already seen the extent of your abilities with Wraith and it was when you got demolished by that really good SWF group. If you really like Wraith that much, can you at least do a video of various builds with him that are different with each situation. That could be the stage, the group of survivors, etc.
Wow, they found Ruin before a single gen was done – nerf Survivors tbqh