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26 thoughts on “WRAITH VS VERY VERY STRONG TEAM! HIGH MMR! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. My MMR experiences started with some really sweaty people on my level or slightly above, to potato who just started playing the game or something. Feels like I lost the middle ground of some good and some bad to either all bad or all good.

  2. misleading title as you overestimate the survivors again. Those weren‘t even strong. Oracle would only allow you to hook maybe 1/2 times if anything 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. Exaggerated title, these guys aren’t that good. The best team I seen posted on your channel was the “tourney” people who completely dominated your wraith on the same map of this video

  4. People like killers that can be flowcharted to invalidate or take away the killers power. This is why you'll only see killers like spirit and nurse at the top because you can't just take the power away, just use game knowledge and experience to make their job harder.

  5. real rough timeline

    1:26 Meg 1 down and hooked 1
    1:59 Feng down and hooked 1
    2:42 Gen 1 completes
    4:15 Feng down hooked 2
    4:17 Gen 2 completes
    4:37 Gen 3 completes
    5:10 Meg 2 down and Hooked 1
    5:14 Gen 4 complete
    5:50 Feng Killed Hooked 3(out)

    So you have 3 gens as far apart as they could possibly be, and because you lowkey kinda tunneled Feng(not saying it was bad it got you back into the game so I don't hate the play at all, and they could have tried to hide Feng or taken some protection hits etc) you still have 7 hook states to go and 14 health states, across 3 survivors with a 3 gen spread that would be almost impossible to cover for any other killer. You then spend 10 minutes grinding them out, across the whole map and once you had Pop kicked on that lone gen they were completely unable to recover barring some kind of mind boggling hall of fame chase, which you have no reason to even get into because they are literally 3 gen'd despite the 3 gens being about as far apart as could possibly be hoped for. Couple that with a lot of just showing off how sweet wraith is by body blocking them for little real chase advantage but more to show you can say "thats my Window" etc(also for the record, having a little bit of sport with an in game advantage is not BMing or Bad sportsmandship and can be fun, obviously survivors or anyone does it any time they can. Nothing wrong with a little extra expression when you are happy about the advantage you are enjoying, I am just saying that it was not strictly helping you, it was just kinda giving them an extra second or two here and there, and sometimes it was to corral a safer hit so not strictly sub optimal either)

    I do think a killer should be powerful, I think its ok to have a killer that can cut a chase to the quick with a little skill. I am just not sure a killer that can effectively 3 gen the whole map regardless or Gen Spread is great for the game.

    Could these guys who played great have done some things differently? Yes absolutely, I think having the 2 sneak off to get that Gen together was actually bad, should have just been one, and then the 2 player team should have pressed the 2 gen side, and tried to use their hooks to buy the lone Gen time and 2 man punish you if you went out that way.

    Also 5:14 for 4 Gens is a brisk pace but its not blistering by any stretch and that's when most good games are turned one way or the other. How many Gens vs Hooks at 5-6 minutes are you. This is a game they would have won based on 5 hooks, 4 gens 5 minutes against most killers right?

  6. I dont think true gets that maybe some games aren’t meant to be played at high level or meant to be played competitively. Maybe the game is just meant to be played for fun

  7. High mmr in this game is utter shit, I play the match and I'm not even having fun anymore… whenever a match ends I'm just glad it's over, then I leave and go play another game so I can actually have fun.

  8. This team is average tbh. They don't even know to leave the loop to the one behind it when your trying to anti loop by unclocking at the pallet. There movement can be improved significantly

  9. Wait, why is True laughing about people that use chase time on spirit as a valid argument?
    Obviously chase time is being used as a metric because it's the only metric you CAN use as any form of measurement.

    Unless you manage to create a metric for "catching survivors out of position per minute", I don't see another way of measuring killers efficiency, especially in chase.

  10. mmr isn’t necessary in dbd. keep the sweat lords doing tournaments or whatever. i don’t wanna have to stop enjoying the game and start trying every single game cuz i have to go against some no life killer main / swf. not everyone wants to be competitive in a game that’s practically a party game.

  11. This game is really not that hard to balance. Create a causal mode for ppl not looking for competitive matches. Add text commands that allow solos to know what each other are doing e.g: "I'm going for the save," "I'm cleansing a totem." this will undoubtedly reduce the amount of SWF as most survivors play SWF out of fear of being matched with less skilled survivors. MMR (for survivors) should be based on how long survivors are chased and how often do they escape chases, how many gens they contribute to in a trial, what percentage of their saves are safe, great skill check percentage, etc. Killer's MMR: chase/hook ratio, stuns/blinds avoided, gens hit/regressed. how long hex totems stay in play, special ability downs/hits etc. Kills and escapes cannot determine how good or bad survivors or killers in this game with so many variables at play.


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