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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Hey I've been gone from the game for a while. Can someone tell me why and how Wraith is going mach 5?
Did they revert that stupid change that slows him to a crawl while uncloaking?
Mumen Rider> Deep Sea King
1:13 everywhere i go, i see and hear Amogus
Tru3, you're get the all-seeing add-on nerfed 😅
I don't see why wraith is called bad. The map pressure is great, with the 150% speed boost. Now that he's actually pretty invisible, you can sneak up to people, and get closer before uncloacking. Unless they're right beside the pallet, that speed boost can almost always get you a free hit on a survivor. As you said, the speed boost is basically a better ambush, and he can go at 150%, making him one of the most mobile killers. I understand not putting him at S tier, but Clown/Trickster tier just seems wrong
True can you plz stop using strong words like insanely strong before you get these fun builds nerfed n killer abilities nerfed
Enduring is most strong on Legion I feel. Thanatophobia and Enduring both very good and underrated perks on Legion
I'm glad they fixed his lunge, Wraith is perfect now, devs don't touch him he is beautiful
Thank god old wraith is back. My favorite killer in the game besides demo
Lol true and claudette trying to coordinate with the pallet 😂😂😂😂
way too fast
this is lame as fuck. you just run around the map fast and get completely free hits. wraith is now the cheesiest killer in the game.
1:22 just wanted to point out that the guy who was unhooked started healing himself which meant that ds was deactivated. Unless this is an old recording before that change.
Why does the add-on "All-seeing" for Wraith exist? Can someone please explain. Like really!? They had to be high to put that in the game.
I have to watch only your videos at full brightness then only I can see
2:30 perfectly timed racing sfx 😂
Now all Wraith needs is his own theme.
How do you never run out of all seeing addons
I tried wraith yesterday with enduring, brutal strength and the addons that do actions faster and my god it's so fun to destroy pallets at the speed of light.
The smile and laughter coming from you playing wraith is genuinely entertaining true. Godbless
I’M GONNA KEEP COMMENTING THIS UNTIL IT’S ADDRESSED, which is please make your YouTube videos louder. It’s annoying having to constantly grab my remote every commercial break because of how loud the difference is between it and your videos. Louder vids plz
Lunge is back… but at what cost? Now cloaking and uncloaking is server validated so you can be robbed from hits if server says so. You get uncloaked whoosh and everything but cloaking progress is reverted to zero and you can't hit nobody, just standing near dumbstruck survivor. It's the same thing with Myer's & Ghostface stalking and even Ghostface's leaning. I hate this so much.
Easy way to adept trickster, use his ultra rare add on that exposes after 7 knifes!
I don’t get it, he still lunges forward.
God damnit I went against you Jesus that was a pain
Hey don’t you lighting the game up you’re getting an advantage
I love how Tru was just screwing around for like half they game and still destroyed
Wraith is so damn hard to go against now it’s disgusting 😂😂
I didnt know is lunge was bugged after patch i just thought i was bad. But now i cant lose a game lol. Also i know you probs thought of the enduring thing without anyone else’s help but otz has been doing that for ages
Such a casual 32K
Zanshin tactics could be useful with this, especially on this map
I think people don't think wraith is strong because his best play style is hit and run but people think its boring so they play him like every other killer so they think he sucks
I noticed this too. Wraith finally feels playable again for me.