X-RAY vision is CHEATING with Pyramid Head

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

In this video, I show you a really strong aura reading killer build as The Executioner in Dead By Daylight!

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Outro song : โ€œOn This Sideโ€ โ€“ Nbhd Nick


36 thoughts on “X-RAY vision is CHEATING with Pyramid Head”

  1. Amazing plays, but still i cringe a lot at those plays in movies due to mechanics. Killer meta is so broken, pallet stuns should give you 100% safe for at least 10 seconds (including how hard it is to land them now). And this shot from office to the end of corridor… it is pretty broken, yeah i know addons… but still it was like half of the map. How are you supposed to play against this? Especially if killer is as skilled as you are.

  2. I was the Rebecca in the second match. I'm disappointed you cut the first little section off of me avoiding your power right away to make it to the window. But your shots in general were cracked. Was awesome to go against you. Ggs.

  3. Iโ€™ve never played this game but spooky loops makes this fun to watch. The whole competitive aspect to a horror game is funny to me not to mention how repetitive it looks. But here I am watching pyramid head follow people around corners, hooking them while generators are activated for some reason. ๐Ÿ˜…

  4. Enduring, Nemesis and Lethal Pursuer? Hehehe, waiting for you to slap Hubris on that bad boy, too

    I got Plaything from the Shrine recently and slapped it on my Pyramidhead together with Hex: Retribution – and the aura reading been such a blast paired with the Undetectable. Ended up slapping it on all my other killers, too.

    Huntress? Plaything + Retribution
    Clown? Plaything + Retribution
    Ghostface? Plaything + Retribution
    Wraith? Plaything + Retribution

    Either way, it's delightful chaos. Wish I had Lethal, too

  5. I don't play Dead by Daylight anymore. But can someone explain to me how Rites of Judgment is balanced? To me it looks like you can damage survivors from distance, and through walls, with extreme ease. The cooldown isnt too long, the cast time isnt long either. Am I missing something? Thanks

  6. I'm All Ears is such a lovely perk. I recall going for adept Ghost Face without ever using the perk before, but it's easily one of my favorites now. I ran Lethal with almost every build anyway because it's just such a lovely perk too.


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