"Xeno is Easy" – TAIL ATTACK COMPILATION | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #xenomorph #alien #compilation

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►Video Songs
Waveshaper – Wisdom of Rage
Danger – 6:24

►Ending Song
FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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13 thoughts on “"Xeno is Easy" – TAIL ATTACK COMPILATION | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don't think xeno is easy, but I don't think they're hard. I respect some of the cheesy shots you can do but 80% of the time you barely get a chance to express that and you're punishing people's animations.

    I think Xeno's tail should be emphasised more cuz imagine the skill ceiling in hitting someone over a Jungle Gym wall

  2. I just don't get why ppl don't play as xeno, its so satysfying to hit these shots!
    Edit: I just realised that nobody plays xeno so nobody knows the potential of its power therefore survivors don't know how to counter it bcuz nobody plays it!!!


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