Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
I’m back! And I’ve compiled a bunch more of your comments from the last dbd video and made a part 2 since you people seem to enjoy this series 🙂 If you have any of your own suggestions related to dbd make sure to comment if you want a chance at being picked in the next video. Enjoy!
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0:00 – Intro
0:36 – Every Survivor Has Traits
2:08 – Hook Timer Slowed When Camped
3:33 – A Way To Sell Items
4:03 – Iridescent Shard Build Up Time
5:16 – More Emotes
6:30 – Killer Kick Stun
8:22 – Transfer Items Between Survivors
9:02 – Fire Round
images used from this wiki:
#deadbydaylightsurvivor #dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdkiller #dbdsurvivor #ideas
Firsty and thirsty
6:44 why they jiggle
Do you people prefer this style over the last videos? I changed my editing up a bit I'd love some feedback :p
mwah 🫶🏻
I would absolutely love to see a mode based around old Skybilly. I know they patched it out, but I would find it extremely fun to have custom maps which are only designed to fly from obstacle to obstacle.
That intro made me jump and do a double take lmao. I feel blessed. Great video as always and hilarious edits!
I think I have a couple ideas…
* Simple and maybe not super useful, but I think it would be nice regardless, they could add a double que, so you can que as a solo survivor and as a killer at the same time, and play whatever is found first. The blooodpoint que bonus will still apply as normal if you get the role thats most needed which is likely.
* If they arent going to remove the bloodpoint cap, they can at least make it not useless. When at the cap, gain some kind of exp or shard bonus/multiplier. Basically convert any bloodpoint gains into shards instead, it doesnt have to be a lot, just something. This would be useful for vets who dont need bp much anymore, and for newer players who want to unlock new characters and have no reason to spend bloodpoints at that time.
* If they dont do the previous thing, they could make any bloodpoints earned over the cap become shared with the other players in their lobby instead. Im sure plenty of veterans would love to be able to help out players who need bloodpoints more than they do. I can for sure imagine some wholesome killers remaining at the cap to reward the survivors they versed with bloodpoints, or some old survivors helping out their new friends with bp gain.
* Lastly, I had an idea a while back to replace add ons with augments, which would be all on the same rarity and a similar power level to each other, and would all change or alter the power in interesting ways rather than just adding numbers on to them. With that, I thought it would be sweet if they added new augments to killers every now and then, so that even old killers can look forward to something when a new chapter comes out, to keep them fresh and intersting, and combo new augments with old ones ect instead of having to wait for add on passes to try new things on old killers. So even if augments will never be a thing, the least they could do is add new add ons to killers every now and then. That way, seeing the same old killers might become way less stale.
Number four could also have devotion booster offerings.
More Impactful Survivor Objectives
My dumb idea: Pallets
Instead of a bilion of the same kind of pallets spawning in the trial, only a handful would spawn With different variety, and the rest would need to be crafted and placed. Regular pallets at Regular loops would stay, but stronger loops and God pallets would be replaced With smaller pallets that survivors could pull down faster but they stun for less and also break faster. On the other hand, unsafe loops would have bigger pallets that are slower to pull down but stun for longer and take longer to break. (Survivors wouldnt be able to craft big Pallets)
Imo the best counter to those lethal camping killers is to not allow them to use their power when within a certain range of the hook. Especially Bubba, trickster, and Billy. I’m not sure how to balance against Huntress though.
Just found your channel! I really like the emote idea! I would love more communication emotes but I also wouldn't mind if they sold some silly ones like "face palm" or a character taunt.
I think behavior could make alot of money off "extra emotes" which would be silly ones and have a "base kit" emotes which are for communication.
Turtle Serious idea: Opt-In Perk Randomat.
In the "Beta Opt-In" method (previously used for wiggle skill checks), players can individually opt-in for a perk randomizer. This allows the survivor to have UP TO FIVE PERKS instead of Four, but some may be Tier 1 or 2.
Survivors that Opt-In play in the same trials alongside players that Opt-out.
At the start of a game: Player gets to choose 1 perk out of a list of 3 random choices, of varying tier. This creates situations of "Hmm, do I really want T1 Dead Hard, or is it better to go with T3 Smash Hit?" They can choose up to 5 perks, one-at-a-time. Options do not repeat, so if your first option was a great roll of "Dead Hard, Prove Thyself, Adrenaline" and you pick Dead Hard, you won't get the other 2 for any of your other perk slots.
Characters are more likely to have their own teachable perks appear in the randomizer. So if you see David, you can guess that he likely has Dead Hard, but no guarantee.
The 4th and 5th Perk Slot may include perks that you HAVEN'T UNLOCKED THE TEACHABLE for yet, so you can playtest perks early before you buy their character! But, they are locked to T1 or T2.
If you Win a match, the perks you escaped with will be re-added as a bonus "4th option" in your next trial (When picking perks, pick 1 from 4 instead of 1 from 3), but they'll be of rarity T1 or T2. Sometimes you may roll 5 perks with PERFECT synergy and you feel like the luckiest person in the world, but the game ends so quickly / the killer disconnects, so you just lose your perfect roll. This "carry over perks on success" allows you to keep playing with your sick build and raises the stakes for winning, but lowers the tier on subsequent trials so it isn't an UNSTOPPABLE combo.
Lowering the Tier also encourages players to entirely swap out their build for perks they didn't run last time, because you're guaranteed NOT to roll T3 [Sprint Burst] twice in a row, (if you won), which is a loose shadow nerf to bringing the same stuff over and over.
Perhaps there is a case for spending bloodpoints to either reroll an option once OR increase the Tier of a perk you rolled, with exponentially increasing bp costs for doing that repeatedly.
Turtle If a killer is pallet stunned mid-swing or during their hit cooldown, they stay stunned for a little bit longer.
In some instances, the killer can hit the survivor "through" a pallet stun, which stinks because it also slows down the survivor's on-hit speed boost since part of that boost is wasted in the pallet drop animation. If the killer stayed stunned for a bit longer in this situation, it would even the odds a little bit while the killer still scores the hit.
Actually if you t-bag the killer the kick would work cause they're gonna be hitting you on hook 🤣