YOURE ON THE BACK FOOT! – Dead by Daylight!

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10 thoughts on “YOURE ON THE BACK FOOT! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Tru3, no disrespect, but if you don't understand how the human mind works, don't ever have an opinion on it. Your view is, "why would this person do such and such when they are a victim of it?" There is scientific fact regarding how the human mind works and you're basically disregarding that because you simply think morality is of utmost importance.

    Ask yourself how you were raised. If you were raised well, with parents that properly disciplined you, then you got lucky and you turned out well and your only concern is not turning into a stuck up fuck knuckle. If you weren't raised well, with parents that abused you, then as a kid, where the mind is basically a sponge, you effectively become what you were treated like. This is common, this is real, and it is serious.

    I'm not defending the actions of people who abuse others in real life, it's not on. That said, when it comes to online abuse, while the abusers have anonymity, the victims only become victims when they allow themselves to be abused. There's no reason to not just turn off the computer and go for a walk. Regardless, this all stems from how parents raise their kids, and you it is of the utmost importance that you understand the scientific fact regarding the human mind and how fragile it can be before you have such a stark view on the topic.

    This has no effect on how I view you as an entertainer, you're a fantastic DbD streamer and I rely on youtube videos because I'm asleep when you stream.
    That said, you generally have a pretty clear view on a lot of things outside of DbD, and it's clear that they're bias only because you're either misinformed or uninformed.


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