Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
It’s not very wise to advertise your YouTube whilst saying very offensive stuff that could damage your growth.
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Did you read my description my boy? or you just ignored all of this? i didnt put all this effort into making this lil description just for you to ignore it my boy. READ IT AND YOU BETTA HAVE FOLLOWED MY SOCIALS AND ALLAT! Jk family i love you and thank you for the support #TUR
It ain’t ever that damn serious over DBD
"if you a dumb nigga don't smoke" 😂😂😂 broo worse than cheddar Bob
And to think, his channel wouldn’t have to be packed up like this if he JUST SHUT UP! 🔇🔇🔇
YOOOOOO been waiting for this! Let's go 😂🔥
Dude need to chill and go outside for fresh air
bro mad at holding that LLLL
T.. U…R.. FAMILY 😎❤️
Living proof of the legend of Jay hope to reach that level of survivor gameplay 🙂
bro idk if its just me but all your videos recently have been getting not a lot of likes or views, did something happen?
love ur content man
4:19 ate an edible right when u said that lol
And dude plays Feng, so disrespectful to the Feng mains… smh
And this is why i deleted the game…can't handle the community.
As Berlin says smoking on that bond bond 😂
I faced this dude as wesker the other day. He tbagged the whole game acting like he was good but couldn't even last more then 30 seconds in chase. He's a true clown 🤣🤡
Bro’s intrusive thoughts won
Cuh is funny 😂
I gotta get back into watching live twitch matches i just miss the most 😭😭😭
Most people lose matches as Survivor because of teammate incompetence. One of the strongest things about SWF is having teammates you can rely on, communication is not need as much but it really helpful to have. SoloQ can be frustrating since you can get paired with people from any skill level, you can get skilled players, but in most cases you just get people who are too busy licking paint to do anything meaningful.
Either way, the game is about fun anyways, if people are getting that upset from a game, they just need to take a break from it.
And this is why I play Friday The 13th DBD is mad toxic it’s not even fun anymore
It’s crazy how people can go so far over just one little game if one thing don’t go there way they get mad
This is proof all it takes is 1 good survivor to win matches. And yet surv mains still complains about killers gameplays
Oh, on he said fagot, that's the most nice toxic thing u can say to someone online
I don't understand why ppl be like that. The game is not that serious
YES expose them!!!!
Nah he couldn't handle cod without cheating!
DBD at its finest
Boy ain't posted in 2 weeks.😂
This dude fucked up SO damn bad, holy SHIT. Also you flexing on him like an absolute beast with your own survivor gameplay was so FUCKIN' good. The homie ain't NEVER gonna recover from this. LOOOOOL
Is he technically calling you gay?
Nemesis time ❤
You cooked that killer Jay XD
Nothing wrong with being homophobic
Doesn't even have to be DBD if you're a Youtuber/Steamer don't be doing stupid stuff like this. It's gonna really screw your chances up to make it big especially if someone who is bigger calls you out on it.
Are you watching Dom?!?!
This bro got Ash's Charizard Syndrome. Just acts tough, but actually pretty fucking weak in regards of their skills because they want that power that they don't actually work for.
that looping you did against pig was fire af
He's not a clown, he's the entire circus. Jester, you've done it again. Running the whole side show.
Hey TUR I was the Dwight you played with awesome to see I made the video . Loved the video
😂😂😂 it’s bad when you have to teach children a lesson lol
Kinda unrelated, but do you think you could share the name of the background music you used at 2:19 ? Been looking for it for years lol
I fuck with you jay and hell yea I be high as hell watching yo vids I love em keep up the work man the grind never stops💪🏿
5:45 💀💀
Appriciate the shoutout homie 🤙
No matter how toxic it gets in dbd I’ll never resort to that kinda foolishness. That’s gotta say a lot if you using that kinda language in end game lol