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Huge thanks to unorthodxed for without him, this video wouldn’t have been possible!
Lightning Changer Mod was made by: Roxanne 1337
Also of course huge shout out to the DBD Mod community, if you’re interested in any of that, make sure to join their discord:
lovely vid 😍
that's how flashlights should work 0:19
Didn't the Developers themselves say they didn't include more zombies cause it "Broke the game due to the Engine unable to handle it"? Seems like it works okay to me. Gotta love the Devs being the God Kings of Pure Laziness.
Two players make better gamemodes than the developer itself. How ironic
yooooo the zombie movement speed is jump scare omg
Rather play this over doing gens for 20 mins
This is the perfect video for collabs
It's like round 100 oh cod zombies
This was so funny <3
Bro how did you do that it looks like so much fun
how to install it ?
LMAOO these games were beautiful
Is nemesis a bot?
take a shot each time they say bro
Dang is love to play the game with that lighting… I wish more maps were dark, like they used to be
They need to add a Creation mode just like Overwatch.
The amount of times I heard no and bro is astounding
Imagine if the flashlights would deal damage, just like in Alan Wake!
Too much "yo", "bro", "no"
song from terraria at 4:43 🙂
i would make it so the amount of Zombies would increase when you finish a Generator or they increase in Speed.
Also you could make it that killing Zombies with Pallets doesnt respawn them, but the Nemesis AI gets a buff from it. Like being able to walk faster, break things faster or even insta down.
this is the best thing I've ever seen
keep it up draingoe