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== F.A.Q ==
My Character’s Fan Art
My Streaming Gear
Who is the blue hair girl?
My Intro Song – Aests – FIGHT!
My Outro Song – Watchy
Thank you for making these videos, every day when I go on my lunch break, I have a video to watch
Jaee you so fiiine!
Literally I miss every stream but not a video 😂
Fuck niggas who think slugging sucks the game is survivor based I’m going to down some 3 persons and hook them when I can just go for the last one nah
7:28 9:22 12:54 13:43 14:04 14:32
Vid idea:insidious gen camping with deathslinger
omg i have never been this early
No jaee I hope you have a great day 🥰
You kinda forced the survivor to go towards your ruin.. That was the reason why the survivor found it.. You routed them in the wrong direction.. IE.. Them finding it was your own fault..
Ilu jaee, i luv coming by your twitch whenever i can <3
When r u reacting to the Snyder cut trailer
The new format has been great so far jae. Keep doing watcha doin'
Rip the old ui, it will be missed
What stream software do they use?
I watch your vids be4 sleep so keep up the good work)
just run undying with ruin
BBQ, Ruin, Sloppy, and what was the 4th perk?
Your the most entertaining yt dbd player I've seen. I always binge watch your content before I go to bed
I improved my killer game by watching your videos. Thank you.
I watched the intro for 2 seconds and flat out wanted to die it was that cringey
100th comment!! Also love the content❤️
I love watching your YouTube videos, due to work I have an erratic schedule so I don't get to see your streams that often, and many times my signal is too bad to watch it. It's nice to be able to just binge through your videos when I get a an hour or so.
Thank you jaee for the entertainment while I go through paremedic school 🙏
Jaee being forced to play like a rat 🐀 We love to see it
Is it me or you can see the pixals in the killers hair?
can you react to Justice league Synder cut?
2:10 im 100% survivor main, only play killer to learn counters against them.. I 100% understand you jaee.. at the same time killer mains gta understand when I use iron will, dead hard, D strike, and either unbreakable, adrenaline, or deliverance (depending on how those days games are going, but normally I use unbreakable) and no, I aint one of those players, I've been using this for years..
I fall asleep watching your videos 🥴
I appreciate your videos. Thank you.
The English accent at 15:00, it was actually quite decent lmao
Yeah I love watching you on my downtime at work. After Otz anyways. I love your videos I just wish you would change BBQ every now and again. I get you like BP, but idk its just ehh.
NuRf SlINgEr
the commentary was perfect until you started adding spoilers in the intro
Hey man I watch you just before I go to bed for some pre sleep enjoyment. Keep on making these sick videos.
survs doing gens =genrush god i hate killers crying over survs like that
Love ya jaee, long time watcher and always enjoy your vids!
Dude you will be 100k sup soon
I miss this dbd
The new is so baddd and boring😭😭
I drop dbd cuz now after the devs said camping and tunneling makes the game fun I’ve been getting camped and tunneling for no reason now. I drop 1 pallet and flashlight I’m camped until second. I’ve grown to dislike the game. And now with the game hit boxes and upcoming nerfs to survivor meta perks the game has become a boor.
Doesn't deathslinger already have a thing where if he hits you after shooting he applies a sloppy butcher affect or is that an addon
i watch you while i do my training 🙂
I don't like watching Deathslinger gameplay. That being said, Jaee is a god, so I'm watching it anyway!
Someone in the chat said not to rely on ruin…..killers have to cause gens fly too fast without it
Hi Jaee I really like watch your videos. To be honest I feel very anxious and I am afraid of being tbagging at the every pallet and stupid flashlight clicking, BUT by watching your videos I feel more comfortable about that what is happening during my games. So Thank you man <3 Do not change