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1 Hour Of 5 Gen Chases In Dead by Daylight!
2nd Channel – @NotAyrun
Killer Channel – @moreayrun
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Thumbnail @KodexDBD
Edited by @TithiDBD
Hope you enjoyed!
What the!
Love then Gen 5 pokemon music lmao
this is a scam. you said it was one hour but it’s only 59 mins and 59 secs 😡
Well played… I wish I could loop like that.
Btw, 1st time i see this character. Is this a costume? From which character?
34:32 ayruns comentations 😂
Why on earth would you call it 5 gen chases when already the 1st game is NO 5 gen chase and more like a 3 gen chase?
That´s disappointing!
Ayrun can you make 1h of looping to fall asleep i need one and your the only one i think will make the best one (your biggest fan) keep going your the best ❤❤❤
watching this video gave me a headache coz ur teammates might have a collective 3 brain cells. You run the killer for literally hours and they dont get gens done???!
amount of times your ping saved you is crazy 😂
Amazing to see Ayrun use iron will like in the old days. God, so nostalgic. Love your vids and theyre mostly what made me love dbd.
What surv (or skin) is the one in the very beginning of the video?
13:06 One dead, 4 gens to go, not one survivor fresh and Yui decides to cleanse a totem…
HIS WHAT? 18:58
The sad xenomorph killed me
It's wild how so many killers act so toxic after choosing to spend the entire match chasing the one survivor they already know they have a hard time catching. It's must be an ego thing. They slug and hump you as a "haha I finally got you" moment as if they didn't already make fools of themselves by wasting probably 10 or minutes trying to catch you lol.
As an April Fools day joke next year, you should post a video titled "1 hour of completing gens in Dead by Daylight" lol
please keep up the insomnia curing videos
I swear if behavior don't add the RE4R Ada skin I'm gonna throw up
i what dead by daylight pls gift dead by daylight to me my Friend Code 1575915132
I thought they made a new Ada skin I GOT BAITED 😭😭
Video starts at 00:01
That whole chase during the pyramid head NO ONE WAS ON A SINGLE GEN
Who is this skin? Haven’t played in a while haha
name of the song at minute 19?
9:09 That bot kept 99ing the gen omg 🙃🔫