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1 Hour of Clown Rework gameplay, showcasing Crotus Prenn and The Game map updates, the new antidote potion and how to use Clown’s new power!
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#DBD #Clown #Rework
WRLD – Triumph
Clown's rework released today, so I gathered up 1 Hour of Clown gameplay since you told me you'd like some long unedited gameplay videos! If you enjoy please like and comment for the YouTube algorithm!
It's better to use the antidote bottle for map control, or for PGTW value. I have only seen the yellow bottle help a bit. Also, BHVR have still neglected the need for perhaps an auto reload because it would be a nice quality of life change.
First time I see too many Devour Hope stacks in a hour.
Personally I think that he should drink the speed liquid instead of throwing it because I don’t see many people using because of the risk of a survivor getting away
this ui is dreadful, im looking all over the screen just to find out essential info
I love Clown, I love Dowsey.
I love liking Dowsey’s Clown videos.
gd work!
Clown do a suck
Dowsey, players like us have 1000’s of hours so its always gonna look like a killer is a little overtuned if they’re an M1 killer thats good at chase. Its only really oppressive you know m1 killer mindgames.
Is Downey still a fog whisperer? I don’t see the icon anywhere
52:50 As far as I understood it, the hook counter is not counting how often you hook someone. It keeps track of the possible amount of hooking left in the game. So if you put someone on the hook for the first time and he suicides, the counter will be at 3. Thats why at the end of the match the counter always has to be full.
The new chase music is so cool!!
At 27:44 how could he see the aura of the survivor?
I think that if clown can be affected by his antidote he should be able to get debuffed by the poison
Also the more bottles he need to reload the more time it should take to reload
Best part: “There’s nothing in here. (Gets stuck) …except for massive fucking fat shame!” 😂
New clown looks sick!
What are you always drinking?
Holy shit that Dwight at 11:59 jump scared me lmao. I was like "what is Myers doing here?"
What were these braindead devs thinking with this new UI? Theyre 100% lying about being unable to revert it too.
Notice me algo
I’m about to watch every second of this, love you Dowesy! ❤️
Comment for the algorithm
Looking forward to playing as clown after the rework.
Bro that’s epic
“The ward looks kind of like an asylum.”
Map: Crotus Prenn Asylum
Dowsey, I noticed that there was a different mori for the David at 45:00. He takes the left pinky instead. Most don’t notice it
The Clown when he gets buffed: Hippity hoppity, your finger is now my property.
What power up is the most useful for the clown in dead by daylight?