10 Second Chases, but Gens Don't Stop! Dead by Daylight

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Very quick chases due to pinkie finger, yet the gens barely slow down.

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21 thoughts on “10 Second Chases, but Gens Don't Stop! Dead by Daylight”

  1. That shack gen in the corner is actually best to keep towards the end, because of the map shape. Killers don’t like to go down there, it’s out of the way. If you let them work on it and just guard every other gen it’s a lot easier to keep pressure.

  2. Yeah this game is trash you have survivors crying because killers tunnel them you have killers tunneling crying because of gens does anyone actually think dbd is still good?

  3. So 5 minutes 10 seconds
    Tru has killed 1 survivor 5 hooks
    Quick chases
    Has instadown
    Survivors have 4 gens done so 80% of their objective is done
    Either the survivors are bad at looping or they don't need to try
    Whichever you think gens are too fast. 3 minutes 30 seconds in and 3 gens were done. Even if chases were lightning fast, gens will still fly when survivors are efficient

  4. So a few things, yes your chases were very short, but you only had one person focused on at a time, so 2-3 people are on gens, survivors get more action economy, its basically the one thing that can't change in a A-symmetric game, so bigger side gets more time. I also don't think the second chance perks would of made to much of a difference either, as the only person this would apply too is Kate as she was the only one you double downed on. Deadlock also didn't do much because so many people were free until one died, they can leave that gen work on another, then come back, & you weren't heavily defending them so they weren't lossesing progress, altho its hard to guard on that map. Not saying that chase focus was a bad move, but it does mean gens will go fast.

  5. Its kinda hilarious because this isn't even hard to do as a survivor. Yet having 3-4 times faster than the "average desired chase time" and they get 4 gens done no problem… its insane.
    Killers were "buffed" btw 😂

  6. Remember the original "Tinkerer" ? I've been wondering what killers would be like power wise/addon wise if that was for what ever reason reverted to it. Would be a interesting experiment. One I know the devs would not do because that would honestly make some of the killers much, much stronger.. But I do wonder what some of the killer's stuff would be like gameplay wise with it. EDIT Thinking more about it.. I might have confused the original tinkerer with its first change.. Its been a while lol.

  7. Side note.. I have had a match recently against a SWF using nothing but perks and items for getting gens done.. They did not even bother to prevent me from grabbing them off the gens.. and they managed all the gens still. It was a very odd game. I managed to 3k but only because they got greedy for the saves at the end then one decided to taunt just a LITTLE too long when they where the last alive in the match. ( Downed and sent to a cage right next to the escape line for exit gate. I was playing Pyramid Head. Keep in mind they all had off the record, and DS. They where using different gen perks for their other two. They also had 3 toolboxes with the insta parts. With a 4th toolbox that was a sabo toolbox. )

  8. I'd be more surprised if chases weren't quick, you're Clown, you're opressive af in chase. The reason gens are popping is because you're not pressuring gens at all, you're just relying on Deadlock to buy you time but Deadlock is trash perk that requires losing a gen to block a gen, it doesn't even regress it so whatever progress survivors had it stays the same while they can focus on another gen. Deadlock is the killer version of Repressed Alliance…

  9. I think Penti was a bad choice, here.
    Unless you get lucky and face an Inner Healing Gamer, you're unlikely to ever get more than 1 totem.
    For how briefly the perk was active, even THANA would've saved more time.
    I think a better combo than Penti with Deadlock would've been Pain Res and Gift of Pain.


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