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Hey everyone, today I wanted to discuss perks that completely failed in their purpose. Perks that were to fulfil a role but ultimately just don’t achieve what they are aiming to do. They aren’t necessarily all going to be bad either, they just fail at what they are meant to be. This is just my opinion of course. Really, perks don’t have a designated purpose, so this is of course always up for debate whether they do fulfil their role or not.
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Intro 0:00
Corrective Action 0:26
Teamwork: Power of Two & Teamwork: Collective Stealth 1:36
Boon: Dark Theory 3:28
Empathic Connection 4:50
Counterforce 5:50
Red Herring 7:07
Visionary 8:07
Quick Gambit 8:54
Poised 10:10
Outro 11:31
абсолютно все перки что здесь есть мусор. Вы удалите их и никто не заметит! им нужна переделка и серьезный бафф
I feel that the survivor perks from tools of torment are all just watered down and worse versions of other perks
Bro when singularity got hit by that flashlight it looked like it was staring into the void lol
A video if like to see is what is every survivors faborite map
Hey Az! Love the vids! I had an idea, before the Haunted by daylight happens, you had a video that ranked the 17 blighted killer skins, but this one, it's the blight event SURVIVOR skins, and as.of typing this, I think there is 8, being Dwight, Claudette, Jake, David, Yui, Feng, Felix, and Nea. I think the devs said they were gonna add blighted Sadoko and Xenomorph for killers, and blight event survivor Yoichi, so once they drop you could make a vid on updated rankings bringing the total to 9 blight survivors and 19 blighted killers
I've actually had a cool idea for red herring and that would be that you would have to charge up the perk for some time like repressed alliance and once you enter a locker, the furthest gen from you would trigger a sound notification! I feel like this would work better tbh
This may be a bad idea but I think at least some of the boons like dark theory should be map wide and gives the killer a notification that it’s active like it was a hex because if you can find a good spot for a boon using it will likely get it snuffed since they are so loud
Why aren't there any killer perks? Killers have plenty of examples too
Corrective Action isn't for new players, it's for Great Skill Check training. Your veteran homie runs this, and you try to hit greats. If you miss, it's fine, your homie's got you.
The teamwork perks are not useful enough, but it's also so difficult to know if you're close enough to your teammate, the effect should be paused if going to far and reactivated if getting close enough again within a certain time frame, or just a way to visually indicate the distance between you and the teammate. Also dark theory is mostly bad because of the low amount of haste, 2% is nothing and it should be more since it's in such a limited area.
As a counterforce player, I have to disagree, I do not want too know how many times I have destroyed a killers hex build with this. It makes it so bad that when I play with friends in a KYF match, they refuse to bring hexes cause I am there. With pentimento especially I have managed tobstop the 5 stack because of the massive speed clear.
Tbh Teamwork perks should get reworked a bit:
– collective stealth should do both effects at once – both faster speed and no scratch marks
– Power of two should add not run/walk speed, but gen repair or healing speed (but probably not both? Idk)
I’m not going to say red herring is a good perk but pairing it with blast mine has some funny results
One of the worst things you can do with your team is group up too much. The bonus on Teamwork perks needs to be really good to counter that massive inherent risk.
Do a video on how every killer would respond to someone saying "I love you" to them.
I use counterforce for the stackable 20% cleanse boost combined with inner strength for, arguably, efficient self healing and sometimes overzealous for extra generator repair speed to match the time lost cleansing. With a map, I don't care about the aura reading of the furthest totem, I can always see the closest one, the generators that were not repaired and exit gates during the end game. If the killer is running hex totems, they are gone in the first minute and I love when they bring plaything pentimento to get a stackable 200% cleansing speed.
The only use for Red herring imo is just troll witg friend since the objective isn't escape the trial.
Combining dark Theory twin perks blood packed and made for this if you swap out Collective you can use hope
I hate it so much when streamers overreact to a perk like dark theory dude, I remember in march 2022, going crazy for dark theory effect like omg…what were they thinking with this one? Like yeah sure, great perk, no one uses that trash
That would be really cool if poised gave a sprint burst affect along with missing scratch marks.
I defend Red Herring ❤
For disclaimer i actually think that empathic connection is decent, i'm always getting value from it when i'm playing with renewal and bcs of it my teammates always go to me for heals instead of me going for them by using bond and having no time to heal bcs killer was behind us.and even that little 10% boost for heals is neccesary without empathic connection i can't get renewal value as often.