10 SURVIVOR Perks that Need REWORKED! – Dead By Daylight

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Today we look at 10 Survivor perks that need changed, whether its a huge buff or a nerf! Let’s jump in!

Music: SuperLofi World

Intro: 0:00
0:33 Calm spirit
2:47 Buckle Up
4:33 Guardian
6:05 Fast Track
7:26 Empathic Connection
8:12 No Mither
9:42 Overcome
10:30 Self Preservation
11:40 Slippery Meat
12:49 Wake up
13:55 End


49 thoughts on “10 SURVIVOR Perks that Need REWORKED! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. As a self preservation user, I think increased range would be cool, at least enough to pair with bond or inner focus (haddie perk). I also like the idea of haste or 1 to 2 sec speed boost.
    Also Calm Spirit should silence boons instead of gens, that would definitely give it a higher usage.
    And with Wake Up, I think the ability to specify exposed objects like totems (haunted grounds/devour), gens (dragons grip), hooked survivors (make your choice), and add ons (iri twins add on) would be cool.
    Or maybe that’s a better idea for clairvoyance.

  2. My suggested changes:

    Calm Spirit:
    – Buff: Speed Nerf decreased to 5% (also affects gen speed)
    – Buff: Silent Gen Repair

    Buckle Up:
    – Buff: You can see the killer's aura in a 32m radius of a slugged survivor
    – Buff: Recovery Speed of YOUR team mates is increased by 20/30/40% when you're 20m from them
    – Nerf: Remove the current effect

    – Buff: Effect increased to 16 seconds
    – Buff: Decreased pain noises of the teammate by 100% (for 16s, obviously)
    – Nerf: Removed Haste
    – Nerf: 30 seconds cooldown

    Fast Track:
    – I think it's fine the way it is now

    Empathic Connection:
    – Buff: Heal Speed increased to 15%
    – Buff: You can see their auras when they're 16m from you

    No Mither:
    – Buff: You're not injured at the start of the trial, but after the first hit you get injured
    – Buff: You get healed after all generators are repaired
    – Nerf: The perk is deactivated after all generators are repaired

    – Buff: Speed boost increased to 3.5 seconds

    Self Preservation:
    – Buff: 7% Speed Boost for 8 seconds
    – Buff: You see the killer's aura for 2 seconds
    – Nerf: 30 second Cooldown
    – Nerf: Current effect removed

    Slippery Meat:
    – Increased Self-Unhook chance by 20%
    – Nerf: Removed Hook Attemps

    Wake Up:
    – Buff: Basekit Unhooking Haste of the teammates you save is increased to 25% (basically they get a mini sprint)
    – Buff: You can see your teammates auras in a 64m radius when you're opening the exit gates and they can see you too
    – Nerf: Reduced Exit Gates Aura Range to 64m instead of 128m
    – Nerf: Exit Gates Open Speed Bonus is Removed

  3. I think Silent Gen Repair would work better as a buff for Technician than Calm Spirit (description wise)

    Honestly I would give half of Calm Spirit's effects to Iron Will.

    Iron Will:
    -Reduces Grunts of Pain by 75% (not effected by exhaustion anymore)
    -Reduces injured noises when slugged by 75%
    -Prevents Screaming

    Calm Spirit:
    -You never startle crows
    -Crows startled by the Killer within 40 meters of you will alert you with a Killer snapshot (reverse Spies from the Shadows basically)
    Has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

    No Mither:
    -You are broken for the entire trial
    -Your grunts of pain are suppressed 100%
    -You leave no pools of blood
    -Your noises when slugged are suppressed 100%
    -You recover from the dying state at 100% speed.

    This would make it an actually decent perk where the trade off is somewhat worth running it.

    The Guardian rework wouldn't need a cool-down IMO. It's not like BT where Survivors can use endurance to tank hits, especially since the additional haste is taken off.

    I love the Fast Track and Self Preservation ideas, but I also don't think either of these would need a cool-down.
    The 10% gen speed only lasts 5 seconds. No Killer will be able to hook another survivor before 5 seconds is over so this effect stacking is kind of impossible.

    With Self Preservation, it's activation requirement is unique enough to not warrant a cool-down.

    100% agree on your Slippery Meat, Wake Up, Empathic Connection and Overcome changes.

    I did always think it weird that Overcome is the only 2 second exhaustion perk.

  4. 11:28 could even be an exhaustion perk
    Every time a teammate gets hit near you, you get a 100% speed boost for 3 seconds but exhausted for 35 seconds
    Making so grouping isn’t as bad of a idea and so it also can go with other exhaustion perks, maybe a 4 survivors swf, all with overcome and self-perseveration but with a challenge: they always have to do gens together (even it doesn’t fit all of them, if doesn’t fit all of them they have to watch.)
    And if one of them gets hit they all just scatter around like rats/cockroaches when you turn on the light

  5. The only ones I disagree with is overcome it should absolutely not have a 3 second speed burst the perk actually already gives a lot of distance and this perk is just hold w which is already really strong,

    the other one I disagree not really disagree but just don’t like is the is clam spirit silence gen repairing sound, sound is so crucial for killer that it shouldn’t silence anything also I just hate stealth gamers they make me play in a really boring way.

  6. Slippery meat is fine imo. Its a perk that doesnt work on its own but with up the ante and the best luck offering you can get off the hook basically guaranteed. Theres a small chance you dont get off tho which is my only problem with it. You need multiple people using luck offerings for a guarantee. But things like power struggle are kinda similar.

  7. One idea I had for No Mither is if it doubled the effect of exhaustion perks, so if it gives a speed boost the duration is doubled and head on's stun is doubled and you get old DH back.

  8. i feel slippery meat is kinda a meh perk when deliverance is a thing. it requires much effort and offerings for too small chance of a reward. the only thing that sucks about deliverance is when you get hooked first when you have it. c,:

  9. My take on all of these changes/ how I'd do them.

    Calm spirit: I like the changes you made but I'd tweak them a bit, the silent gen should be for technician, while clam spirit could make other survivors near you do generators silently.

    Buckle up: I think buckle up as it is now should be base kit, not only for solo que but for the new base kit unbreakable buckle up is amazing but not as a perk so I'd like to see Bhvr make buckle as it is now base kit, this also would make solo que a bit better knowing who is 99'd or not.
    ~ How I'd change buckle up ~
    scrap the current buckle up as I said before it isn't good enough as a perk. So how I would rework buckle up is: when any survivor other than you is repairing a generator
    You can determine the repair progress of that generator by the intensity of their Aura at a distance of infinity. when the survivor stops repairing the generator you stop seeing it's aura.
    Also when the generator you are repairing is at 75% all survivors including you see the killers aura for 5 seconds. this only applies once per a generator, and only applies if you're the one in the generator if another survivor gets a gen at 75% it wouldn't activate since you wasn't repairing it with them.

    Guardian: I think the changes you made are okay.
    ~ How I'd change guardian ~
    Just revert it back to how it was before. So here is the changes I make to it: keep MewsMori's idea of making the no pools of blood, grunts of pain and scratch marks invisible for 30 seconds, give a haste effect of 10% for 15 seconds, You and other other survivor you unhooked see the killers aura for 15 seconds, the killer sees your aura for 25 seconds. with these changes it'd be better than how it was before and it'd have an actual purpose of being the perk you use to safely get a teammate away while you can distract for them.

    Fast track: I don't like MewsMori idea.
    ~ How I'd change fast track ~
    Just give 6 tokens per a hook instead of three OR make the bonus great skill check progression 2% instead of 1%

    Empathic Connection: I like MewsMori idea just buff the healing speed for others maybe 33% like old botany?

    No Mither: I kinda like MewsMori idea but I;d like to expand on that
    ~ How I'd change no mither ~
    *You're broken for the remainder of the trail
    * Reduces grunts of pain by 100%
    * Leaves no pools of blood
    * Gain a 10% speed bonus to every action including vaults: I added this since if you are 1 hit from going down might as well have a slight advantage.
    * Gain 100% additional blood-points for all actions in every category: this is making you earn more blood-points for actions you do in the trail for example if you hit a great skill check on a generator you get 300 bp but with no mither you'd get 600 blood-points. this just helps you get to the max faster not bonus bp after the trails like old wglf.

    Self Preservation: I don't like mewMoris change
    ~ How I'd change Self Preservation ~
    While you're injured if a survivor within a 36 meter range gets injured/ gets downed you gain the endurance status effect for 60 seconds. also the rest of the perk would still be in affect so you'd leave no scratch marks, no pools of blood, and no grunts of pain for 10 seconds. I also would add a 4% haste effect to the effects it adds. When the survior get injured/ goes down in the 36 range see the killers aura for 2 seconds.

    Slippery meat: Idk MewMoris change is ok but I wanna make it more useful/ less niche
    ~ How I change slippery meat ~
    Ok so this change would entirely rework slippery meat into two effects the main effect and then then the mini effect. so here is how I would change it:
    After you unhook 3 survivors from 2nd hook the next survivor to go to 3rd hook stage will briefly stay alive on the 3rd hook stage for 5 seconds before being sacrificed to the entity.
    Note: you must be the one to unhook 3 other teammates from 2nd hook. if you don't then well this part of the perk does nothing, this also enures only one person can use this to get value kinda like prove thyself. I also know this can seem op but you pretty much have to instant unhook them PLUS have to 2nd unhook every survivor which may not be possible if you are being tunneled so don't think this is op yet.

    This effect applies to every survivor other than yourself: any failed attempt plenty will be reduced from 20 seconds to 4 seconds, and the 4% luck for the unhook is given as well.
    This 2ndary effect is to help with solo que where survivors may try to kill themselves with this perk you'd force them to reconsider how to play after seeing they aren't gonna die soon.

    Wake up: I like MewMoris change nice job 🙂

  10. You dont know how percent works in dbd, i guess…
    New fast track would give you 0,5 charge on gen. During these 5 seconds.
    Why? Because game uses percentage points.
    – we'll make it – gives you 100% healing speed others
    You normaly heal 16 seconds; 1 charge/second. With perk active; 8 seconds, because; 2charge/second.
    (New) Fast track would make 1,1 charge/second on gen for 5 seconds. So 5,5 charge. Not a huge difference.

    So 10% bonus to doing gens, for such a low amount of time, not to mention, that many killers use pain res + dms, would make perk even worse.

  11. One of the complaints I see most often about No Mither is that right from the beginning of the game, the killer knows they can tunnel you. I’ve heard some people say they wish they started the trial not broken until you lose your first health state, then you would be broken for the remainder of the trial.

  12. What i think of your Changes:

    1. Calm Spirit: You basicly want Iron Will with more Benefits and no Downsides?
    2. Buckle Up: Sorry this is a Meme right? Beeing able to pick yourself up is imo allready a Nightmare for Killers especially with a SWF that knows how to Play now imagine what they can do when someone in the Team has this Perk how you want it. Sabo, Selfpickup, Heal 2 Healthstates, Repeat. So Killer need to bring 2 Healthstates down again instead of 1.
    3. Guardian: Ok this Change is not bad but 30 Sec and 10 Sec is way to overtuned. Maybe 10 Seconds and the 8 Seconds on Aura Read is okay,
    4. Fast Track: Even with a Cooldown this would be too much, how about you keep the Token thing going but instead make it a Endgame Perk when a Survivor is Sacreficed it gains a Token (Max 3) Speedincrease for every Token 2%,3%,5%. With this Boost in Speed there is also the option to Finish the last Gen instead of going for Hatch Game.
    5. Emphatic Connection: Fine as it is need no Changes.
    6. No Mither: Actually a decent change.
    7. Overcome: Fine as it is.
    8. Self Preservation: a ok Change.
    9. Slippery Meat: Sounds decent.
    10. Wake Up: Ok Change

  13. Bass kit unbreakable those new mechanics for killer was just a beta test the devs stated that it wasn't set in stone and after they took a pole 90% of the community did not like it so it's highly doubtful it'll be coming anytime soon unless they do some reworks killers were literally ending the match in two and three minutes

  14. The changes I'd make to some of these perks you suggested. Guardian- After unhooking a survivor during the time that the perk is active if you take a protection hit, the protection hit counts as two making it fit well with Mettle of Man. Buckle Up- I'd keep the aura stuff but add if you are within 16 meters of a downed survivor they're recovery speed is increased by whatever amount. Self preservation- Increased haste I agree with but id go a step further and say ur immune to killer instinct which would be a great perk to counter Legions which is fair becuz we have other perks that can be seen as a counter to other killers such as Doctor- calm spirit, Oni- Lucky Break and Urban evasion for Hag.

  15. Autodidact: the perk is mostly fine & nice when it works but it is very hit or miss & at times frustrating to use due to the skillchecks inconsistency . I would increase the chance of triggering skillchecks. Currently there is a 15 % chance per second to proc a skillcheck. I would make it so you get a 1/2/3 % (depending on perk level) bonus chance to trigger a non-medkit skillcheck with Autodidact. The perk would be a lot more effective & fun to use while still beeing RNG based. If the 3 % bonus is too high then just reduce it a little.

  16. For the overcome buff, I hard disagree. The difference that many people don't think about between Lithe/Sprint Burst and Overcome is, that neither of the 2 requires the killer to hit you. If the killer hits a survivor, without save the best for last they'll have a 2.7 cool down where they're essentially unable to move, add the 2 seconds from overcome and you have 4.7 seconds worth of a speed boost, far longer than sprint burst and lithe.

  17. Right now the only reason you don't see Slippery Meat squads often is people don't care to try hard that bad even when they SWF, but when 4 people build around this perk it is guaranteed to always work.

    Slippery Meat + Renewal is a combo that I'm just glad isn't widely recognized because it is insanely strong at resetting the game and removing all pressure a killer may have.

    It should continue to be a niche, SWF perk in my opinion because it wouldn't allow for a particularly good meta.

  18. I love stats, and Mew's rework of slippery meat essentially raises the probability of a successful unhook on one of the attempts from 34.1% to 48.8%. Here is the equation: S = 1 – P*n where S is the chance of a successful unhook, P is the probability that the unhook attempt will fail (.92 or .8) and n is the number of attempts (either 7 or 3).

  19. Small game changes need to see tokens put on and taken off whenever hex pentimento is active and when a killer breaks a totem with shattered hope

  20. A good buff to no mither is that you start the trial healthy, but once you get injured you can no longer heal, however your character icon doesnt show the broken status effect, that way the killer doesnt know you are possibly the weak link and tunnel you

  21. These are some changes I would make to some perks:
    -UP THE ANTE (Ace): The perk's name talks about taking a huge risk to get a good pay-off. RW: When hooked, you have a 50% chance of unhooking, but you can only try it once.
    -POISED (Jane): The gen alerts the killer of where you are anyway so it's kinda useless. RW: The gen's notif. takes an extra 7 seconds to alert the killer besides hiding the scratchmarks.
    -THIS IS NOT HAPPENING (general): Stake Out is like 100% better and honestly if you have more than 2 hours at the game it's useless. RW: It affects the speed at which skillchecks go on perks like Hyperfocus, Mercilless Storm, Overcharge. The success area increase affects Brand New Parts, Decisive Strike, Overcharge.

  22. Out of all the survivour aura perks in the game, the one I have been having a lot of fun with is Blood Pact. But I do wish it did more to solidify it's spot in the game.

    As of now, it just gives aura reading between the obsession and yourself whenever either of you is injured, and a nice haste effect after healing.

    I think if we want it to be a real build maker, it has to be more consistent. Remove the healing requirements for the haste, make it a Vigil/Streetwise radius that lingers for a while after separating. And to keep the healing factor, make it so picking up your obsession off the ground is, let's say 50% faster. Keep the aura reading the same, and you got yourself an obsessions best friend perk.

  23. I think with such no mither rework no mither players will be number one aim for tunnelling out of the game, as it is quite obvious they have no mither
    and as for calm spirit, we already have gen repairing noise reduce – Technician
    but I really love some of your suggestions. I would also buff self care and ds though. and I really miss old iron will

  24. just to add: calm spirit prevents you from screaming which actually affects doctor's static blast, making you pretty much undetectable unless the killer keeps an eye on the survivor icons (or they have an add-on that reveals a survivor's aura when madness increases)

  25. I feel like since calm spirit prevents screaming from Doctor's static blasts and silences cleansing, blessing and chest opening, shouldn't it silence other actions too? I like the idea you added with Generator repair sounds being silenced, but we could take it a step further. Why stop at just the doctor's powers? Calm spirit should effect the sounds you make disarming traps, cleansing at fountains, using jigsaw boxes, mending from deep wound, running through torment trails, getting hit by clown bottles, and probably more that I'm missing. I'm assuming the torment trails and clown bottles are already one of those things though.
    Idk if that's too OP to some people, Calm spirit has such little uses I feel like having it just be an all around silence perk would be cool. Plus it's not like Iron Will where it hides your grunts of pain, bite the bullet where it hides your healing actions or even quick and quiet where it hides your fast vaults.

  26. I have been running in my build for months now (deadhard, spine chill, wake up and vigil)it has worked really good for saving teammates, escaping in solo queue and looping(I have alot of fun with it and have learned to make it work for me 😎👌)what I always try to do for builds is make 3 in game and one end game peaks(or 2 and 2)gives a balance and a chance to see the end game more often(you also have to find your play style, cuz what works for me may not work for you and so on. Thanks for this mew, you have interesting ideas and thoughts about dbd as a player and almost as a behavior employee? Ever think of working for them?


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