15 Salty Rank 1 Solo Survivor Tips | Dead by Daylight Gameplay

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These tips & tricks should come in handy for someone, I’m sure. I also give some advice for red ranks and just any survivor level in general.

0:00 Intro
1:15 Game 1
4:53 Game 2
16:18 End Game Review

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I create guides and crunch the numbers behind games I actively play, as well as uploading some gameplay videos. I also discuss changes and potential changes, opening up a discussion within the community.

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13 thoughts on “15 Salty Rank 1 Solo Survivor Tips | Dead by Daylight Gameplay”

  1. Speaking of dropping pallets instantly I played a guy yesterday as Wraith who done that. Camped the pallet and dropped it when I was close. Never tried to loop once. Along with that, the whole team was saving in front of me and any other dumb survivor thing you could think of. Figured I got noobs. Pallet dropper messaged me after I killed them all and called me trash lmao He said he camped and dropped pallets because I was wraith and I got a speed burst hahaha He went on to say WRAITH was broken and OP. Dude is rank 8, so should definitely know better. The best part is he said hes played since release. Said a bunch of dumb stuff but that was the funniest. I play xbox and playstation so I get lots of salty messages. No matter how you play, if the survivors die, the killer played unfairly in some way 😂


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