16 BEST Dead by Daylight Changes in History

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Some of the BEST changes in DBD’s History! Of course, there are more great changes, but these are some of the ones that first come to my mind! Enjoy 😀

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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4 vs 1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed.

#dbd #deadbydaylight


43 thoughts on “16 BEST Dead by Daylight Changes in History”

  1. I agree about the meta shake up. Everyone cried for a while but then found their new meta and all calmed back down. The changes aren’t often forever example of iron will basically back but just added exhausted bit to it. Ruin stopped if somebody died was a bit odd but then they changed it back. Shake ups do make the game “fun” again learning new perks and builds (which is also why chaos shuffle was such a banger).

  2. i wish there was a form of getting a little amount of Auric Cells BECAUSE I AM STUCK WITH 200 BUT CAN DO NOTHING WITH THEM EXEPT BUY COLOUR RE-SKINS WHICH I AM COLOUR BLIND

  3. > No endurance after unhook
    Indeed very frustrating, but felt almost like something "normal" back then. Borrowed Time was a must in my SWF group, and all the higher-level players had DS and Balanced Landing (the latter being THE "pro gamer" exhaustion perk because of the free "no fall stagger" all the time).

    Folks would also sometimes pull out the internet cable when sacrificed/mori'd at juuust the right moment so they wouldn't lose their purple items 😀

  4. They should first : balance the game before they add so much stuff . Like window attacks etc.
    2. Add a patch that i can play with keybord and mouse on ps4 . 8 years . Cause some killer on controlker is hard to play. Like huntress etc

  5. RIP dbdmobile, they created the new game modes and unique mori's on dbd and behaviour stopped netease and dont allowed them to continue with both things, and a week later they put in Lights Out and Naughty Bear skin…

  6. Day and Night maps would be so cool! I miss the feel of 2016-2019 dbd where everything was dark and eerie (especially with the moon bouquets). That would be a way to add that feeling again without having to go back to it completely. And since I use your reshade preset I'd really love that for Eeyie of Crows since that map burns my eyes out with your preset haha

  7. Cross progression made me come back to this game and I still love it! I used to play on my ps4 and bought a lot of stuff and dlcs. I was able to save money and buy me a powerful gaming pc and I moved to pc , when I found out that all my skins and characters are tied to my ps4 I was so sad and I let the game down. Loved the fact that after 1,5 years I can finally play with my dlcs and skins big W for BHVR❤

  8. Hatch standoffs. There was no way to close the hatch and no endgame collapse. If the killer found the hatch first, it'd result in a standoff: if a killer swings first, the survivor escapes, but if the survivor jumps first, they get grabbed. Also, IDK how it is now, but back then the hatch spawned in the closed state before the exit gates were powered. I remember doing the "speedrun hatch" meme tactic in SWF where we'd have keys and maps, repair some of the gens and then find the hatch and leave through it. I think there was even an achievement to do exactly that.

  9. The 6.1 update was a great idea for like 2 weeks — then everyone found a new meta and we were back to where we were. That’s why I loved Chaos Shuffle. It took the sweatiness and meta out of the game completely and made it fun again, imo

  10. I know alot about dbd ,but alot your videos are very helpful,i learned how to by a better survivor and And your videos are fun to watch i like specialy the way you talk.Thanks for Making video's and keep going!

  11. I know it doesnt really hcange the gameplay or anything, but i really like the prestige feature, because now you can really show how much time, effort and kove you have put into a certain character, its jsut way more impressive seeing a p 100 billy now than seeing a p 3 billy before they reworked the prestiges

  12. but one change that they sould really add, i know its very small, but thats why i dont think it would be so hard, is that they should reduce the hitbox size of the potholes on the garde on joy map, they look like a normal pothole (ok, maybe a bit bigger than normal ones) bit then it has the hitbox of caseoh, its jsut so annoying trying to curve that loop with billy and just bumping into my inner demons


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