20 Win Streak on Pinhead | Dead by Daylight

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This video explains how we got 20 wins in a row with Pinhead, our first streak attempt since the MMR system was implemented. While we still have much to master, you’ll see some of the tricks that we learned along the way. For the purpose of this challenge, we consider a win getting three or four kills.

00:00 Intro & Streaks
05:08 Build Explained
08:39 Tips & Strategy
14:42 #1 Torment Creek
24:34 #2 Shelter Woods
38:01 #3 Shelter Woods
49:09 #4 Midwich

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21 thoughts on “20 Win Streak on Pinhead | Dead by Daylight”

  1. You know I find it very interesting that right after MMR came out is when the cheater epidemic has been THE WORST it has ever been. Almost as if MMR incentivizes this type of behavior…

  2. 8:30 Franklin's Demise is really, really good on M1 reliant killers in general right now because of how common Brand-New-Parts toolboxes and high grade Medkits are.
    The added benefit of being able to seize the box from a survivor on a wound instead of a down is more of a strong side-effect than it is outright broken.
    It only crosses the line into overpowered when you run Pinhead's Iridescent Lament add-on with Franklin's, because ensuring perpetual chain-hunts (with Ruin up) is arguably the since most oppressive gen-slowdown effect in the entire game.

    Unsurprisingly, it's for that very reason that BHVR is nerfing the crap out of all of his chain-hunt enhancing add-ons. That's going to basically end Pinhead as a viable mid-tier killer and throw him straight into the dregs, because frankly, his M2 is nearly worthless in competitive MMR, and without that, his chain-hunt is literally his only other power.

  3. A cool series you could implement would be for you to guess your own perks as killer or survivor! Have Nina choose some perks at random and put some overlay over your perks. Would be very interesting and fun to see!

  4. As weak as this killer is, he's by far the most infuriating to go against, particularly with Plaything. I seriously don't understand how they added a killer that passively interrupts actions, and you have to grab an item and complete an interaction that gets interrupted by that action to make it stop. bonus points if you need to cleanse a hex, your team won't go for the box, and it's just not possible. If he just leaves that survivor with the box, there's a good chance they can't solve it and can't do any actions.

  5. I think my highest on pinhead was 25+ on release but mmr cucked me lol it’s so frustrating and I respect the grind I will never go for 50 wins like you cause your better and my pinhead is basically unplayable now lol

  6. hey otz, i have a question and im not sure where to put this or if its already been answered somewhere. when should you use the vaccine against the nemesis? i never know when to do it and i know its limited. or when not to use it if my teammates need them more. ive seen videos where the killer cant down people with the whip because they use those and it makes me wanna use them more often but im unsure when i should, at the moment i dont really use them and it usually leads to me going down easily in a later chase, but i dont want to like.. bother my team if they need them and all that


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