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33 thoughts on “THEY BLOODEH NERFED CHUCKY! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Just to clear something up, jump rope was 30% (or 0.3 seconds) so having the duration increased by 0.2 is still a buff overall considering they havent made new jump rope anything lower than 0.1 seconds.

    Also rip batteries, noed combo, you will be missed in the one ptb you existed. And even then nobody used you

  2. This is a cyclical way to squeeze short-term profits. They make the killer initially powerful/fun so people interested in Killer get hyped to play him on release but then they nerf said Killer after ending the PTB so the average survivor main/customer doesn't have to deal with it. This is a win for short-term corporate profits since they already hoodwinked a large percentage of Killers to pay when he drops (since the nerf receives less attention than the PTB) but they also do not need to deal with potentially angering mediocre survivors who make up a majority of the customer base.

  3. Another reason why im glad i didnt waste money on this mid tier killer that was obviously gonna be nerfed.
    Same cycle everytime.
    CC's hype up new killer, devs say their overtunned so nerfs,killer mains get pissed then let it go and buy it anyway because their prideless consumers,CC's do damage control for the masses and survivor mains rejoice because they have another killer to bully.

  4. I got really worried when i saw the title, but it isnt actually that bad.
    batteries included paired with noed would be prettyyyyyy strong i didnt even think of that lol, so i feel like thats fair.
    the scamper change was only a difference of 200ms, with isnt that much at all, youll barely be able to notice it, you should still be able to anti loop with it, should be no problem at all unless maybe some certain situations with distance and if theres a window near the pallet etc.
    and i think the jump rope/slice n dice change is more of a balance than a nerf, the base charge was increased so i see that as a plus, its kind of a best of both worlds thing, who knows, now perhaps we might get to choose something better than the rope now that its not a must have?
    overall im not disappointed, thank god 🙂

  5. why are you surprised True ? they will forever nerf any fun or strength out of killer to make life easier for surv, and will make it so that its not a 4V1 its a 1+1+1+1V1 because "s0lo Queue Iz tO0 wEak" ,BUT HEY WE HAVE GAY DAVIDE SO THEY ARE INCLUSIVE AMIRIGHT

  6. Bruh Chucky ain't even released yet they do this nonsense? Why gotta kiss survivors butts. Chucky is slow he literally needs to he after the survivors as quick as possible since he's more of a chase killer with pressure. I just gotta see how that shit looks like because Jesus.

  7. Crazy, hype up a killer. People hyped to play him, all good things. The DBD Devs hear fun, and just suck it all out!! Devs, if you sucked dick as good as you suck the fun outta the game, maybe I’d play more!!

  8. When we start speaking with our wallets that's when they will pay attention to what the community wants, just DON'T BUY the chapter! , or any chapter for that matter in which they decide to nerf the perks of killers/survivors post PTB.
    Time to force a change in their behavior! (pun intended)

  9. Honestly was expecting trickster to be gutted. This isn't that bad. He still seems pretty strong now.
    His weakness is still time to kill but whatever.

    Chucky idk scamper may suffer from the same issue now that wesker does – useless pallet vaulting.

  10. Well… As someone who was gonna buy Chucky on release… I'm not gonna anymore. I think scamper will now be useless vs semi competent players, as they'll have plenty time to react to it now, making it borderline useless. But hey… What's new with BHVR, right? We are all used to it. I'm just not gonna give them money anymore.

  11. Guys hes not butchered 😂 they just made it so that if he misses his slice and dice, he's accordingly punished for it like he should be. Thus is rewardring the play if he does land the hit. Furthermore, at small loops, the scamper was way to quick it was basically a free hit. (its faster than weskers fualt)

    I don't understand how anybody can say he was nuked from such minor movement changes. The change wasn't even a drastic decrease in speed, and yall go on like chucky is ruined? Help me understand what i am missing?

    Feom my point of few, it just sounds like your complaini g that you can't get free hits. But we will all have to wait and see what he is like in live games. I still believe chucky is still going to be really strong.

  12. Scamper is going to be awful and only used on god pallets if this is more similar to wesker cool down. I agree with the missed slice and dice penalty cuz it feels like there was next to no penalty for missing. At least they added more stealth

  13. Killer power or perk is string: Oh! Don't worry! We'll nerf it so they are bully bait for high level survivors.
    Survivor perk is broken and abusable: Oh… we'll take care of this in 6 month if we get around to it.

  14. It’s a shame the best time to play killer is ptb only as the new killer since the killer is meant to be broken in ptb, then nerf him/her to the ground on official release so survivors could just do endless loops. This is why I gave up on dbd because it became dead by looping.


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