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I can’t believe they actually nerfed Dead Hard a second time.
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
So excited for duh leegun meta
The extra two stacks of prestige is really nice for people who haven't been playing for ages, or who just haven't had the ability to get everyone to P3 already, since it means you only need them to be P1 before the next update in order to unlock all their perks already! Tbh I don't know that deadhard will be dead at super high skill levels, since endurance on demand is still a potent ability to have, even if the timing is significantly harder. Excited for meta shifts and changes!!
Dead Hard got the Sandman treament. 😞 Knowers will know.
bhvr has no real incentive to lower the grind outside of appeasing the community and grabbing some new players. The extensive grind is what creates 2k hour players, the people who buy multiple skins on every character and grind them out to prestige 3
Scott has been showing off a healing build with like 400 percent healing with botney and get 2, 5 second heals.
Wait, i just realised something
-Endurance will no longer work when you already have Deep wound
-The base kit borrow time will afflict DW if the killer tries to hit you off the hook
Wouldn't that mean Off the Record is useless now?
They could make the 40,000 match cap a collective cap. Ie each category is uncapped, but once you reach 40,000 overall you'll stop gaining BP regardless of category.
They literally killed overcharge before it could even shine, like literally if they didn't want it to work with call of brine all they needed to do was add three words "Does. Not. Stack."
I feel like dead hard is too binary the way it currently works, its either going to be very strong or useless without much in-between without a complete rework. RIP Overcharge, a nerf was maybe needed potentially but they murdered it.
The reason no cap is cause integer overflow. Too many of you motherfuckers will save like 100 million BP, and crash the wherever they are storing the values.
So as a Legion main, i no longer have to bring Fearmonger or Blood Echo. This is actually amazing.
I’m quitting the game lol they nerfed all the decent perks
Finally some agrees the botany change was fucking stupid. Thank you
DH being good is dead finally people can actually use other exhaustions
Oh no… anyway
You can still get 100% silence with no mither
Probably the max 2.000.000 blood points max is because of an UI reason. Like full graphic design thing.
They actually nerfed DH twice; once with the 0.5, and again with Endurance not working while Deep Wounded.
It’s still capable of extending a chase which was meant to end minutes ago so it’s still solid. You’re at a pallet half a foot away and you can use new dh to protect you and It’s just as a counter to killers like plague and trickster than it was originally btw
I was excited to use overcharge
Am I insane or is that Endurance change a massive buff to Legion and Deathslinger?
Dead hard is literally impossible to use against Frenzy, as well as a Deathslinger who just reeled and hit you.
Deep wound addons, too, are gonna be nuts.