3 Gens, STBFL, Billy, and More in the January 2024 Update – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Patch notes: https://t.co/qLuBY2NvXy


42 thoughts on “3 Gens, STBFL, Billy, and More in the January 2024 Update – Dead by Daylight”

  1. i slightly misunderstood Grim Embrace. it doesn't block all gens for 12 seconds the first time EACH survivor is hooked, its the first time ANY survivor is hooked. so its not as good as I thought, but still super strong

    EDIT: Apparently they edited it so it DOES work like this. Yeesh that is probably too strong!

  2. Hex Ruin is actually good now, because it is probably immune from the 8 regression counter on gens. Your point on STBFL stacks is a good one that it might encourage tunneling. Though killers were doing that anyway. One Blight nerf that should have happened was his speed reduced to 110. There is no reason he should be at 115. The regression counter for gens is also a quasi nerf to Nowhere to Hide…as killers might not spam that over and over. Shadowborn might make flashlight saves pointless now, since the killer will have 7 seconds of haste after the stun to redown the saved survivor. Finally, I’m hoping Sadako does not gain Bloodlust while Demanifested in chase. That could be very broken.

  3. Grim Embrace is the epitome of good perk design. Gen defense that isn’t absolutely infuriating to play against but also good for the killer and encourages spreading pressure is great.

  4. I think the STBFL changes were failures. The only killers that liked it were low tiers and neither change actually addressed the unfun part of STBFL. Make the fast cooldown not work on obsession hits or endurance hits along with no stack gain for either type of hit. This way the tunneling problem is done away with and the camping problem isn’t there as long as the obsession is alive.

  5. With Sadako there is one thing, dunno if that is just wording, but originally she would add condemn to survivors near the TV she teleported to, but in these notes it says "When The Onryo teleports, Survivors within 16m of a powered TV will receive a stack of Condemned." which could mean it is something between, you still condemn those near you, but also those near other active TV, that makes it more important to turn them off which is a bit more dangerous because if she finds you while carrying a tape and hooks you, your condemn from picking a tape will be locked in. Overall, it seems like these smaller changes will make survivors more interested in removing condemn and turning off TV, which is a form of slowdown but also makes them more vulnerable to you.

  6. Not a fan of the 3 gen solution. Please correct me if I'm wrong but it says each gen can only suffer 8 regression events. Which means all gens on the map can only regress 8 times before they will no longer regress. If that is this case then I think that's terrible.

  7. I feel like stbfl could be fixed by the person you hook becomes the obsession, so it pushes you to hit the unhooker instead so you don’t lose stacks and don’t tunnel

  8. STBFL will lose stacks when the obsession “loses a health state by any means”. This means you could have 5 stacks, ignore the obsession, they use FtP, you lose a stack, the use plot twist, you lose another stack, someone else picks them up to reuse plot twist and they do it again. They can also get picked up with buckle up now if you hit them they have endurance and you lose more stacks or they could just plot twist/have someone else pick them up/no mither + plot twist until you have no stacks. Niche, but still a weird mechanic to potentially punish a killers stacks completely out of their control

  9. Btw Scott I don't think you realize how large 13 meters a second is. That's around 280% while original speed is 230%. That's even faster than double engravings, so imagine double engravings now, totaling about 325% with the base kit bonus. Mouthwatering stuff that just screams curving. That's what I think they're incentivising, which I'm all for.

  10. The McLean thing is really important though. He essentially said BHVR had a culture of not walking back mistakes to spare hurt feelings. The Onryo change and now the Hillbilly change implies the company has grown up since then! That's amazing. We should rejoice.

    As for Onryo, I imagine she'll now return to being pretty weak overall, but have a huge edge in tunneling. I hate tunneling so I hate that, but we'll see. No need for pessimism for now.

  11. Wait, so if the obsession brings Plot twist, can they just grief the killer's STBFL stacks?
    Nemesis, trapper, any killer who can damage you without being nearby, any killer who is at the whims of the survivor.
    (intentionally stepping onto a trap, intentionally getting smacked by zombo, or even just forcing a body-block, etc etc)

    To be fair, not many killers check all the right boxes but you get my point. Putting this perk on gives so much trolling power/game control to the obsession if the stars align.

    Also this is a nerf to like a dozen different killers for not much reason (classic BHVR move)
    Of course have to actually RUN STBFL, which doesn't make sense for some of these killers, but in theory this nerf affects Trapper, billy, bubba, nurse, huntress, legion, plague, demo, slinger, pyramid head, blight, twins, trickster, nemesis, cenobite with addons, artist, knight (good riddance), xenomorph, and chucky

    Doesn't that seem a little excessive? I mean its like more than half the killers in the game? gah dayum

  12. idk if it’d be stupid but i think it would be cool if sadako could phase through pallets when in her no heart beat mode kinda like how chucky scampers under a pallet j to add an extra bit of chase power, since her un phase to phase time is so short i don’t think they should make it so u come out of the pallet with the ability to m1

  13. I find it funny how petty Scott sounds when he talks about maclean and his reaction to his fake patch notes(obviously I know it’s a joke and he doesn’t mean it). Also because of Scott I have also gotten into the habit of saying “fuck you maclean” or “damn you Maclean” with my fist in the air when I get auto aimed and I miss my M1

  14. Can someone explain why Onryo v3 wouldn’t just stay manifested the entire time, given the benefits and speed, and just continue to teleport like a mad person the entire game in an ongoing hit and run?


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