3 Min 5 Gens on the New Patch! (Cheats or Legit?) Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Gens take too long now? Well, maybe this game will change you mind? or Was it cheats? Chat was undecided.

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #genspeed #cheats #hacks #legit #thoughts

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22 thoughts on “3 Min 5 Gens on the New Patch! (Cheats or Legit?) Dead by Daylight”

  1. there no brand new parts , and no many tool boxes
    really fast gen without them like come guys
    brand new parts is 25% if everyone have one 3-4 gens will pop really fast and dont forget the extra 10 secs

  2. Yeah this patch really only hurt soloq on gen speed. I had a match a day ago where they completed 8 gens in 6 mins, with me running two gen def perks

  3. I've been getting consistent disconnects like that every day for the past week. And have been lagging so hard cause the servers are so poop right now that I can't rescue people. So the disconnect has likely nothing to do with it and everything to do with Behaviour not knowing how to fix their server issues.

  4. Definitely hacking. I never play killer and gave it a try yesterday and it put me off it again. 3 of the swf were running pre patch dead hard. Not only that but it was infinite. They were spamming it and I had to time my hits in between the dead hards for it to count. Hackers have put me off of killer for a long time. I only try killer once every 6 months. Time for a 6 month hiatus again

  5. True! Yeah. So I've been running against killers who have been doing some type of thing where they DC a survivor. I'm guessing theory they can DC a killer as well. I havent ran against it as a killer yet, but im sure it's out

  6. Welcome to a mix of possible cheats from the kate at 3:59 like everyone else is saying, the 10 extra seconds on a gen being pretty much ignored because of resilience + no mither, overall efficiency of people running to gens quick, and people forgetting that when two survivors work on a gen it still only takes ~52.94 even with the new 90 second gens.


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