4 Best Ways to Play Legion in Dead By Daylight l Part 2 #dbd #dbdbuild #dbdlegion

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In today’s video, I will show you the 4 best ways to play the Legion!
Let’s start with one of my favorite ones.
Pain Res and Dead Man’s Switch will allow you to block gens and also to regress them.
With Thana, you will have an extra slowdown.
The best part of this build is the perk Dissolution!
Whenever you injure a survivor, Dissolution activates.
While Dissolution is active, If a survivor vaults the pallet, the pallet gonna be instantly broken.
With the help of the Dissolution, you can get easy downs, and you won’t we be afraid of rushing the pallets
while you are in a Feral Frenzy! Like in this footage.
Also, I will use one of the most underrated add-ons of the Legion Friendship Bracelet. This add-on increases the lunge while you are in a feral frenzy. Besides the Friendship Bracelet, I will use Mural Sketch to increase my movement speed in Feral Frenzy.
If you want to see the 4 best ways to Myers and Ghostface, you can watch them after this video!
Leave a like, subscribe, and enjoy the video!

Build number 2 – Tanky Legion.
This build consists of Spirit Fury and Enduring to break pallets, Jolt, and Deadlock to slowdown gens.
From add-ons, we will need – Iridescent Button and Julie’s Mixtape. Iridescent Button will allow us to break pallets by vaulting them, and with Julie’s Mixtape whenever we get stunned while in a Feral Frenzy, Feral Frenzy will be instantly recovered. It means after the stun, we can instantly break the pallet, and continue chasing our victims. In my opinion, this build is one of the chilliest builds of the Legion. Because in general Legion is an M1 killer, and when you don’t have any pallets on the map, being an m1 killer is not a problem anymore.
Enjoy the build!

Build number 3 – Sneaky Legion
The main part of this build is t he perk Dark Devotion. When you injure your obsession you become undetectable and your terror radius transfers to your obsession.
With the undetectable, you can sneak up on survivors and also it will increase your chance to get all 5 hits while using Feral Frenzy.
Besides Dark Devotion we have Pain Res, Jolt, and Grim Embrace. Jolt in this case is much better than the Pop.
There are two reasons for that. The first one is that Legion almost always down survivors with a basic attack. Besides that Jolt is much better than pop for building pressure. You can just down a survivor for regressing gens around you, and then go for another survivor.
From add-ons, I will use Friendship Bracelet and Mural Sketch.

Build number 4 – The Endgame Legion.

BFFs – gonna increase our movement speed by 6% in the endgame.
Noed gonna give us an extra 4%.
Remember Me, No Way Out, and Blood Warden will help us to extend the endgame.
With this build at the end game, you will have 10% movement speed and an extra 3 minutes to kill all survivors.
Enjoy the build!

0:00 Build 1
7:22 Build 2
12:23 Build 3
17:36 Build 4

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