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This addon seems pretty nuts in certain situations, and has potential for 45%+ gen regression very very quickly with this build combo that we using. Combing the 20% regression of the Driver’s License addon with the 25% regression of Pop makes for some pretty insane moments. The games we had this video were against some good high level survivors who know how to play against ghostface, and even still we see some solid value.
lethal, dead mans switch, merciless storm and tinkerer. Keep them pressured to stay on the gen.
Hey tofu wanna make your intro a bit longer? Don’t think I understood the intro good enough
Why not use merciless storm to make them focus on the gen for you to sneak and stock them?
deadlock, pop, merciless storm, and tinkerer would be a good combo with the perk
You gotta play stealthy and stalk from long ways with limited view
Tofu, when you finish the rancor challenge, I have another perk challenge for you to give it a try. My idea is to use eruption with a combination of other perks to try to mark every gen and blow all of them up at once.
That’s Swfs. The communication is an extra perk.
I feel like Ruin or something to keep them on the gen could potentially help this too
Shoulda used jolt
Yes! Go again!
That was fuckin cool.
A smaller map with vision loss like Lery's looks like a good option for this build
Ghostface in general still isn't in a great spot, especially with the undocumented buff to Vault Build resulting in more survivors than ever running Spine Chill in their default loadout. He still capitalizes on survivors being bad rather than you being good and gets his entire power negated on most outdoor maps.
Lately when I've had to play him for rituals, I go with the most reliable combo of addons that eliminates the most annoying perk in the game. Victim's Detailed Routine and Night Vision Monocular basically remove Dead Hard from the game entirely, it's amazing.
I feel like if youre banking on someone coming back and touching the gen, dragons grip could be a fun and more aggressive replacement for thana. And if you want info to not waste time going back, you could use surveillance to see if someone went and touched it.
I feel like your angles are just not effective at times and you should definitely utilize the crouch mechanic a lot more it makes it way harder to spot you imo
You could easily pull this off on RPD. IMO it’s the best map for Ghostface because of all the angles you can stalk from
Thats absolutely RIDICULOUS holy shit… god i hope this gets nerfed a bit
No no no… Download and solve the puzzle now..
Call of brine over thana and i think the regression would be even crazier
I love using lethal pursuer with Ghostface. I'm able to activate this add on super early cause I know exactly what their doing at the start of the game.
I feel like this add-on would work really well on Haddonfield or just about any map where you can steal some sweet sweet survivor juice from up high because most survivors don't look up when on gens.
I got a lot of value in the one game I used it. Paired it with the faster stalking add-on, used tracking perks to find gens to sneak up on in crouched stealth, and just fully stalked them on the gens. Didn't 99 anyone. Got, like, 5 gen explosions.
Addendum: Pretty sure that Kate in the first game was hacking. She does absolutely perfect mind games at every 50/50 until until Undetectable blocks wall hacks? And it looked like she got too much distance a few times in chase, after breaking LoS. I'd say I'm about 75% confident she was on Epic and subtle hacking.
It always amazes me when people read a killers addon and think "OMGerd super OP" and then the game actually begins and they realize "OP" on paper does not equal "OP" in practice.
That feeling when he calls us "Chat"
9:30 because if the 360 works you save your dead hard and if you have good timing you can dead hard if the 360 fails
This addon confirms that Ghostface is a meme killer, tough to pull off but fun when you get it, which is Ghostface. useless in most matches but sometimes fun, it's just too easy to reveal Ghostface.
Lethal Pursuer, Discordance, Pop, and BBQ or Darkness Revealed would be my suggestion but do see others already suggested, darkness revealed on some maps is legit for info.
"they have vault build" 💀 they didn't even have it this tofu kid always proves how killer's complain about everything then have the audacity to say no always making himself look retarded