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Being a new killer is hard, but this guy takes it to the next level! even his chat is asking him to calm down! Lots to look at here and perhaps learn for yourself as well. Main key point though, this is not what I would consider toxic gameplay.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


otzdarva, no0b3, TRU3TA1ENT


29 thoughts on “TTV RAGES & BREAK MOUSE, TOXIC SURVIVORS | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I remember when I was new to this game. I was always afraid to play killer and failing at it, I would rage over the slightest movement a survivor makes, and I have smashed controllers. Now a days, I have a better understanding how the game works and how to counter or adapt to anyway survivors can fight back. And sometimes I would play along some of these type of survivors like flashlight swfs.

  2. For me with tea bagging and clicking it comes down to intent as to whether it’s toxic or not, if you are doing it to try and irritate or to gloat at the other player then that’s toxic, if you are doing it to distract and for gameplay then that’s fine.

  3. Me as someone who loves playing Trapper…

    This was hard to watch. How can someone do Trapper so dirty.

    And be so toxic at the same time…
    How can someone get so mad… If you get that mad in dbd you shouldn't play the game. We don't need killers and survivors like that guy, toxic people. We've enough to deal with. And that certainly isn't healthy behaviour, if someone rages that much about nothing then really change the game. That is not normal..

    Just watching the guy is painful.. Trust me dude it's not your mouse. His mouse works just fine. That guy is such a disgrace to dbd, killer mains and streamers.

    The only proper matchmaking would be to have this guy against afk survivors or bad bots that don't do anything right.

    The guy talks about the game dying and being toxic… He is the toxic person. He should just turn off the game and play something more relaxing.

  4. Dude has a higher player level than I do and I'm not like this at all lol I'm devotion 2 level like 15 or something. Maybe he played a lot of survivor and decided to give killer a play, but you'd think he would know some of the basics of how killer works at that point then. Even when I first started playing I wasn't like this at all, sure I got tilted and frustrated, but I never raged this way lmfao.

  5. Notice how he complains about "Gen Rushing" the moment the first gen pops. This makes it clear that this person is someone who's been negatively influenced by the community, as he's told all these buzz words for things that some consider "toxic" but are just merely gameplay. Similar to what you said at the beginning of the video. It definitely sucks how the DBD community spreads toxic mindsets to new players…doing the objective isn't toxic, whether you're killer or survivor – hooks or gens.

  6. Personally I disagree with your comments, this guy should’ve been more calm and strategic about his decisions in the match, but the survivors were all toxic toward him with the clicking, sandbagging, and head ons.This is natural since it’s his first time as killer and I think as he improves as killer, so will his attitude and mindset about how to handle toxic survivors.Not to mention he wasn’t toxic back to them despite all they did to him.

  7. Another thing that should be explained. There is always going to be a delay in information from the server and client. Since the survivor's client has to send information to the server, and then the server has to send information to the killer's client (and vice versa). So even though you can turn to avoid a flashlight save, it might not always work because of that delay in information between the server and client.

  8. As someone who gets angry very easily, when I play killer or even survivor and I'm having absolutely crappy luck rather it be the killer/survivors are really good and I'm just playing crappy (especially as survivor I can't loop to save my life) I take a few minutes after the round is over and if I'm super PO I'll turn the game off, there is 0 point in raging this hard over a game, everyone is playing for their own fun and entertainment and all someone who rages like this does is ruin their own entertainment and the entertainment of others if they are streaming and people come in to watch someone play. I love these entitled killer/survivor videos because they help with reminding me of what not to do when I play.

  9. How can you play DBD and not knowing that the killer is locked in animation when you have interaction?
    They pretty much nailed all the flashlight saves. Maybe you should notice the pattern and not jump on the downed survivor, no?
    Why are you trying to play nice and then complain about survivors not carring about your choices?

    Now i'll dive in the controversial topic: Survivors
    I watch a lot of killer gameplay because i want to see the opinion on the other side. Everywhere you look people tells you that survivors are scum, toxic, bullies etc…
    You have people like TrueTalent basically saying that survivors are sore winners, sore losers, bullies. When he tries to play nice and survivors brag about escaping he's like "See sore winners". Call swf who goes for sabo bully squad and all. I take him as an example but you can apply that to a lot of killer mains. This is not a personnal attack.
    -First the post match lobby is not mandatory you can just skip to your next match. Also i repeat myself, you say i'm trying to play nice and they are sore winners. No one ask you to play nice. You make your decision suffer the consequences and most importantly don't complain about the consequences of your decisions.
    -Now the bully squad with Sabo and Flashlight saves. Let's make this clear once and for all. As a survivor, the game is boring as hell. DBD is one of the most boring thing on earth if you play survivor. So players try to come up with their own fun: stupid build (flip flop, power struggle etc…), throw the whole game for a sabo, a flashlight save or trying to hole a killer (hello JRM).
    If your answer is go play something else, let me stop you right there. If you buy the game, you are free to play it however you want. As long as you're not breaking the actual rules you are free to do whatever you want.
    It's not fun for you? Ok. Who cares? it's not fun to be slugged for a whole game but hey shit happens.
    People really need to stop positioning themselves as the victim of the diabolical survivors, because obviously the only thing we want is to hurt people feelings. We are not here just to play a game, no. We're here to lick the salt and tears from your face.
    (Don't worry i know that survivors suffer from terminal stage butthurt syndrom. I'm the kind of guy who tries to defend the killer in post-match lobby)

    If you disagree feel free to answer. This a conversation opener not a "My word is law" kind of comments. Cheers

  10. some people are just clueless, most of them just play one side and not much from the other so they dont understand things be it killer that never plays survivor or survivor that never plays killer.
    for instance ive had a nemi tunnel me for "t-bag" while i simply crouched to avoid the tentacle hit.

  11. As a Trapper main this was painful to watch. If the Survivors weren't screwing around and having fun this would of been a EZ escape on their part. I hope this killer watches his Vods and gain some perspective on how not to act.

  12. You made a valid point about how the survivors are further ahead in skill level. MMR system is dreadful. Worse system in the game honestly, My killer games are either insanely a struggle or insanely easy. Never no middle ground. You would think with a MMR system, you would atleast end up somewhere thats the whole point….

  13. I wish I got SWF or teams like this more. Because it would be game over. I know he is newer but when playing killer just be relaxed and make sure when flashlights or flashbangs are not in the area. I do love the fake pick up mind game with Demogorgon’s portal animation. Also thank you Jay, between you and Spooks I changed my attitude towards this game as well. I was never this bad but I got tilted in the past.

  14. "I deserve…"

    No, you don't deserve anything in the context of how a match plays out. Nobody is required to make sure that your match goes smoothly. As long as you put all your failures and mistakes on someone/something else you will never be able to develop skills in those areas where you are lacking.

    Your mouse isn't the problem. It's your failure to understand a core mechanic revolving around the pickup animation.
    That hit at the window wasn't a guaranteed one, you obviously missed it. It was a failure to recognize the vault speed in relation to your distance from the target.
    The nonstop blinds are also on you. Again, the failure is on you for repeatedly attempting to make pickups when a savior is right there. No mindgame, no fake pickups, hell you are playing Trapper one of the 3 lords of faking a pickup.

    If you are entitled to the point that you feel you deserve to be given breaks and easy plays by your competitor then you have two options.

    1) Accept you make mistakes and have bad games. Learn from those mistakes and bad games. Experience is earned, not given. Real experience is not some little number that pops up from an action and fills your XP bar. It is understanding what happened, why it happened and how you can avoid or use it for your own gain in the next match. You're not the best, the best don't blame others for their own failings, they analyze those failures and learn from them to strengthen their gameplay. Every match is chance to learn and improve. The best are not the best because they don't fail. The best are the best because when they do fail they figure out why and put effort into not failing like that next time.

    2) Don't play games that are competitive by definition and have you competing against opposition. You are not entitled or deserving of the opposition makeing your chances at winning easier. That's not how competition works. Singleplayer games on easy mode, that's where you go if you feel you need to be given a free pass on winning.

    This isn't toxic gameplay, in reality there really isn't even such a thing as toxic gameplay. People need to lose that mentality too.

    It is the part of the survivors job to make killing survivors difficult and frustrating.
    It is part of the killers job to make making the killers job difficult and frustrating, well, difficult and frustrating.
    Tbag, Clicking, Slapping on hook, etc etc. All of these are tools in that toolbox on both sides. You choose to use them or not, you allow them to work on you or not.
    Toxic is a mindset not a playstyle. A toxic mindset is what clouds your vision and prevents you from understanding core concepts and mechanics. A toxic mindset comes from fear, a fear of playing poorly, a fear of looking like a "bitch", a fear of not living up to your own expectations, a fear of failure, a fear of losing…

    “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” – Litany Against Fear

  15. I remember growing up playing ps2 and have a temper tantrum and throw my stuff around. I’m glad I got out of the bad habit before online console games was a thing. Lol

  16. They are not toxic, to be toxic you need to be good and this survs the only thing they are doing right is beein against a baby killer, they play poorly, it annoys me how cocky they get when they face a new killer


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