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#redsgaminggears #dbd #Ghostface
Dead by Daylight New Killer for 30 day series is 30 Days of Ghostface! Day 11! Today’s Ghostface Builds are based around the hit and run playstyle that can be fine tuned into your own playstyle including one of my favorites! Dead by Daylight Resident evil comes out in a week and i hope you are all ready after the dbd new killer trickster was quite the disappointment! I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Ghostface Gameplay!
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0:00 Build Breakdowns
1:21 Game 1
11:58 Game 2
20:25 Game 3
Hit and run is most famous playstyle of gf among streamers
That Feng in the last game had Plunderer's Instinct and Ace in the Hole. What a gamer honestly
hey red! I think for the next killer in the series you should play someone weaker like pig or Myers, I think this will create intense games which is good for content!
Nice! Gave it a like 👍
Gf is the scariest killer if people play correctly, like red does
i can't undestand the reason to use recovery addons on hit & run ghostie…..
The new killer was teased in this video
What are your thoughts on surge vs ruin for hit and run killers? I only have one rn but I'd be interested to hear more.
why do his perks look like that? Lile epic red and Blue
Can your next vid be with pyramid head it’s been so long
Red just barely missing the survivors when they vault, meanwhile I get hit 3mins after i've already vaulted a window
Great video I never really understood the hit and run playstyle for ghostface since wraith is so much better for it I watch a youtuber named zaynuh who is a top 20 ghostface and he says hit and run with ghostface is not the right way to play him since stalking is the best thing you can do with him by 99 ing survivors and then catching them later on. Zaynuh usually uses Corrupt intervention and stalks as many people as possible before it runs out then snowballs but anyway good video
Should I buy ghostface?
There is no way u did 30 days of ghost face
Ghostface hit n run my main and my personal playstyle build 3 is my fav gives survivors NO reason to complain except the occasional need to slug
How do you get those cool looking colors for your perks?
Ever since ghost face I want to get dbd and this video is very useful but what does stalk do why not just stay in the stealth mode
Would oppression and surveillance be good on Ghostface?
Nurse's is SUCH and underrated perk
Suggestion: Unrelenting Ghostface. Enduring Fury, Save, and last perk is flex. Maybe Lethal Pursuer. Maybe Hex Crowd Control or Bamboozle.
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I've never seen a ghost face running his most optimal build, I'm wondering of I'm the only one who even knows about it
Why do your perks look like that and how do I do it
I wanna be this good 😞
I haven’t played in like 2-3 months and just got ghostface and never really played killer…my question is how do I get the perks That he is using because if I’m correct you can only get certain perks from different killers
That Jill DCing mid chase LMAO
I love how much you’ve explained why you did what you did with each build and why you were doing certain things mid game. Amazing video, definitely agree with the 2nd build being great for beginners and last one would probably great if you’re a little more advanced considering there’s not a lot of gen defense. You got my sub, love the ghost face videos by the way.🔥
bro keep up with these videos
I enjoy large foggy maps with him. I feel like I’m in control when I’m up on a building and just stalking down that one Meg.
I really appreciate how you took the time to explain the perks and everything. Many killers even hide their skill when recording and its so bad since we cant learn or getting inspiration trying new things out…. 🤍
Why are some perks Red?