5 Licenses I’d love to see for Dead by Daylight Year 8

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Hey everyone, today we’re talking license prediction, and my personal preferences for what I’d like to see come in year 8. Be sure to let me know your own thoughts and license wishes, down below. I believe it was leaked or BHVR confirmed there will be 2 licenses being implemented this year after Nicolas Cage, I honestly forgot where I heard it from. This is nice though, knowing some licensed content is in fact coming.

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Check out my 2nd channel for content focusing on stuff other than games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnz3TK9TLt6BhKh-P66srtQ

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Terrifier 0:27
The Walking Dead 1:53
The Conjuring 3:19
Alien 4:23
Horror comedy 5:31
Outro 7:18


30 thoughts on “5 Licenses I’d love to see for Dead by Daylight Year 8”

  1. I know I might get called out for this but I think FNAF should be in DBD with springtrap from fnaf 3 and mike from the FNAF movie as the survivor since I think both characters would fit really well into the game and as for a map, maybe the pizzeria from the upcoming movie but I think just having mike and springtrap would be good enough😅

  2. A lot of people say it isn't going to happen and it wasn't even on the satisfactory servey thing but I'm still holding out for a Slenderman chapter. He'd be good for bringing in people and bringing the actual horror aspect of the game back. As of right now the only thing I'm scared of in the game is going against a Wesker because they always tunnel me out.

  3. I’ve been wanting Scooby doo for years. The hag could definitely be Scooby doo since demo can’t be, I’m sure that wouldn’t be problematic. Or like, imagine Viktor in a little Scooby doo onesie. The possibilities are endless!

  4. Imagine the terrifier has a succesful hit animation where he picks a weapon from the bag, and it can be like 3 different weapons probably won't happen but would be funny

  5. The Thing would be hands down my favourite license. Get the arctic research base as a map, have MacReady and Childs as survivors, and have what would be one of the most unique killers in the game, no matter what direction they'd take it in.

  6. In the recent player survey, they offered up a few options for crossovers between comic books. The moment I saw Spawn as an option, my jaw dropped and that's all I want now.

  7. I'd love a collaboration with Hunt: Showdown as a legendary skin for slinger (and DBD styled DLC for Hunt). Dying Light would also be cool – Volatile as a skin for Blight or maybe even an entire killer. For survivor they could choose Crane or Aiden and for a map they have many options

  8. As a recovering addict I would like to see Jack Torrance. Torrance had positive traits which were quickly eroded by addiction and the Overlook itself. Also, Clown and Blight only represent the darker aspects of mental illness & addiction.

    A good survivor would be Danny Torrance who would have a perk named "High Ground."

  9. A license I don’t only very much want but is also realistic and easy to implement is candyman. Easy to make power, fantastic story, map and survivor potential and Clive has made clear that he is willing to negotiate licenses under his watch (hence the hellraiser and candyman films, and his obscure horror game based on his book “Jericho”)

  10. For me the oddest license I’d want to see is jojo bizarre adventure and I even wrote a power for it.

    The killer Kira aka the Figure
    Terror radios 32 meters height normal movement speed 4.6
    Power killer queen/ Deadly queen
    Summery you start the trial with a 5 tokens they do not passively regen
    You can press the active ability button to bring out your stand and interact with objects these objects will now be highlighted in white and are now trapped
    Trapped- trapped objects look and act like regular pallets , Genrators and totems, but when pressing the other ability button you slow down to 3.8 meters as you press your thumb like clicking a button all trapped objects then detonate dealing a health-state to survivors who are interacting with them but doesn’t damage them. All tokens are returned
    Special object sheer heart attack he moves at 3 meters a second and will move towards survived within 16 meters the faster the survivor moves the faster his speed is up to a max of 4.8
    Tithe ultra rare addons
    Iridescent arrow- when you first down a survivor you can Mori them immediately lacking then the obsession and bringing them back they are know trapped detonations will now injure survivors within 4 meters of you are unable to trap other objects until injuring the obsession
    Severed hand- causes trapped pallets to break when detonated and starts regressing generators reduces tokens by one

  11. As much as I have respect for Terrifer and what their director goes for, and all due credit for the actor who plays Art..I really feel it's not appropriate, less for the level of gore and more Art doesn't really stand out as a unique killer. What would be his power? His Perks? You said it yourself, the fact he really doesn't have a distinct weapon. I mean if they make it work, I'd be all for trying them out, it just feels like there isn't enough to have them stand out compared to the Clown we do have…Think he'd work better if he was a skin for Clown like how we have RE/Crypt TV skins.

  12. I know it’s niche a f but I would love for them to put characters from Alice in Borderlands. Since they are used to messed up torture games and surviving. They could put Chishiya and Alice or Usagi and put the killer as the king of spades


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