5 SECOND CHASES! – Dead by Daylight!

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent


24 thoughts on “5 SECOND CHASES! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Lol stupid survivor mains😹😹😹😹😹😺😹 I don’t play survivor🥱 but even I could last longer 😹😹😂 like survivor is so easy how are you so bad 😹😹😂💀

  2. I'd say that 4% unhook chance hurts the survivors more in general because they're gambling away one of their hooks (2nd or 3rd). I it's a bit of randomness. Sure as a killer it's annoying but as a survivor it feels like you won the lottery.

  3. Been playing 10 weeks. Enjoying killer games a lot however now I’m running into an issue with very poor match making. I’m a middle of the road 9 rank killer. I mostly get red rank survivor friends. This in of itself isn’t the issue. I’ve a very strong doc build and if I play just doc every game is fun (even if all 4 escape it’s a battle with lots of points for everyone). However if I stop playing doc I still get high rank survivors however my other killers don’t have strong builds and the games are crap. Conversely sometimes the game throws me newbie survivors when I’m playing doc and they get wrecked. No fun for them and not great for me either. I’ve 40 rank leather face, doc and plague so good teachable perks potentially however they aren’t showing up in other killer blood webs (spirit). Genuinely getting turned off the game. Should I turn off cross play ? I play on Xbox . Is cross play messing up my matchmaking ? 2nd option is to just play doc as he is competitive and a points monster. Use his earnings to get good perks on spirit and go from there. I was loathe to do that though cause he is so consistent my fear is the game will rank me up and if I try any other killers I will have no hope. To reiterate all I want is competitive games . Not looking to 4K every match I just want to give survivors a competitive game. No interest in wrecking new players but also no interest in getting wrecked by 4 red random survivor friends running DS, borrowed, dead hard etc while my spirit has zero gen defense. Any help from experienced console players be very welcome.


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