5 TIPS TO STAY KILLER | Dead by Daylight

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Some of these ideals are just things I have developed over a long time of Multiplayer gaming and have put up tremendous walls when it comes to personal insults and anything else that would significantly shift your mood in most respects and change your game behaviour.
I hope some of these things will help you perform better as a Killer and realise that just becuase there is 2 gens left, 1 gen left, the game isn’t always over. The faster your TILT the faster its over, there is so much going on in this game, its easy to get overwhelmed in this game.

00:42 Tip 1 – Toxic
02:15 Tip 2 – Tactics
03:15 Tip 3 – Random
04:41 Tip 4 – Gens
05:13 Tip 5 – Pressure
07:24 Killer Game

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


29 thoughts on “5 TIPS TO STAY KILLER | Dead by Daylight”

  1. On the real, thank you for accepting the FR.

    That, old guy to old guy, I personally appreciate the tips. Having watched your videos, as well, has allowed me to actually go and tilt Survivors: primarily hitting the M1 when picking up a Survivor at a pallet. I honestly didn't think it would work but it does.

    Keep rollin my guy.

  2. another tip in case you are sick of having to play extremely hard to win constantly:
    use meme builds.

    this might sound dumb, but hear me out. if you struggle with playing killer, or you're just fed up with the normal killer gameplay, using a meme build can completely change how you play and can greatly enhance your enjoyment of the game if you're willing to do it.

    a great example i have is the build i have on spirit currently: rancor, noed, bloodwarden and play with your food.
    why would i make a build like that? well i came up with it by having to do a challenge where you have to kill the obsession. i had spirit, so rancor was available right away… i would just follow the survivors with only rancor and then hit him once all gens are done to get the challenge done.
    i enhanced the idea of killing one or more people in the end-game by getting four perks that enhance the idea behind the build.

    you can do this for every killer and every perk in the game. you want to play a match with a build entirely revolving around equipping the perks with eyes? sure, go ahead, its silly. when your goal is to not win matches but to have fun using a unique and dumb/non-meta build then you're going to enjoy playing a lot more.

  3. As a survivor main who sometimes tries to play killer (mostly just to try completing tome objectives), I think one of the hardest things for me to remember personally is that it's all so random. Gen placement, specific killer and their power(s), survivor efficacy, etc. are almost always different from match to match. I'm not very good at killer and often when a match goes by too quickly with me barely getting 2 or 3 hooks, it quickly becomes extremely discouraging to continue playing killer.

    Moreso when I try my best to play fairly (I know I don't have to and shouldn't if I want to win, but I don't want to single any one person out- unless they BM me lol) and I still get the clicky clickies and t-bagging at the gate. I really feel that kind of behavior just encourages killer mains to tunnel/camp because honestly, if people are crappy when they play fairly, what the hell's stopping them? Thanks for the tips, Jay. 🙂

  4. I've found it amusing to play billy, because its actually the first killer I enjoy playing and also dont get tilted almost at all, because he genuinely seems like a meme killer. Thank you for the tips tho. Keep on going with this type of content. Have a great day. 😄

  5. My issue with avoiding frustration when playing as killer lies in the enormous discrepancy when it comes to the generation of frustration when playing killers compared to playing survivors. Game mechanics, game structure, game design, UX, control systems, animations, balancing methods, camera view, all these are designed (probably not on purpose, but that's irrelevant for the result) to drive you mad if you queue as a killer and to basically never push you over some threshold of healthy dynamic of frustration and enjoyment when queuing as a survivor (ironically enough, teammates can get you closest to that point, but it's still twenty times less than when playing as killer).
    I can, without exaggeration, play ten hours of survivor solo queue and never even be close to get tilted or frustrated. With killer, depending on a match, it can happen in literal single digit minutes. It's crazy.

    I've played hundreds of pvp games, as well as actual basketball at a respectable level and I played one game at a semi-pro level (quake 3)… and I never had issues with these things. And I'm not even that invested in dbd, so we can't really say that I'm trying too hard or lack awareness or taking things personally etc. But, all these factors combined make me helpless in the battle against frustration in this game. It's as if it was carefully crafted to funnel everyone to play survivors. Not because I'm going to have more success or whatever, but because I literally can't tilt like that. It's completely crazy lol

  6. you are correct good sir! especially number 3. I haven't used gen perks since 2018. Franklin's is always in my kit, no matter the killer. When I play pig. I bring knockout, and LP. I go after the loan Suvivor smack him down and hat him. leave him go after the next down and hat. I hook the second to bait the other Suvivors and just let it snowball.

  7. If you are playing on a console and you are not totally confident, for the love of god dont play blight or gunslinger against PC users. If you want to crossplay pick a killer with a gameplay that is suitable for a gamepad.

  8. my playstyle is a bit weird: every killer has a different build for me and most of them are not meta perks(bc i like the builds and not bc they are strong),
    i always play really fair trying to 3 hook every one but i just keep losing alot bc of that and i get mad, but i also feel bad for camping or tunneling so mostly i just get annoyed and angry while i really enjoy playing dbd.

  9. I only partially agree with tip #1. Personally I don't like intentionally annoying people, so I don't BM, but I understand why other people do it. When I see someone click or tbag at me mid-match, I recognize they're trying to get me to throw, and to an extent I respect their bravery for being confident enough to be able to evade me. But when it's at the exit gate and they don't leave when they're able and they just wait around to rub it in, I'm sorry but how else are you supposed to take it other than a personal attack? They most likely won't face you again, so there's no reason to tilt the killer at that point except to be an asshole.

    It still doesn't bother me, since being annoyed by that is what they obviously want, so I don't let it get to me. I'd still rather they did not and we had a sportsmanlike exchange of "ggs" at the end instead.

  10. It's the Killer FOV for me. It's nauseating, and when the Survivors I'm chasing start doing spinneroonies in my face I get disoriented AF. Hella annoying.

  11. I’ve never thought of playing killer in that way of thinking before. Sometimes I get a little stress playing but this has kind changed my outlook on it loads. Great video man!

  12. At times I don't feel like camping and tunneling because I want to throw hatchets, but today I was sent to rpd twice and idk why I didn't quit at the first game, I just went afk since the game was laggy bc of something and I was doing other stuff to fix it while the game was in another window. Needed to say how I went to look if the game was over or not and I watched them t-bagging around me and doing emotes. Well, hope they had fun doing gens and blessing the totems
    The second time I went to rpd I did camp and got 10 hooks, 2 of them on the dying state and 2 sacrificed. We're they mad? Yes. But so was I so we're on the same boat there
    I also was sent on farm in the first game where I couldn't see shit because of the corn and got my first hook on the last gen. Should've stayed there, but i just wanted my BBQ stacks, which I obviously didn't get
    Honestly, now I feel like if people will bring a map offering, I'll camp and tunnel for sure, whenever it's fun or not

  13. i think camping and tunneling should be normalized
    Survivors Objective:do gens ASAP,get out ASAP
    Killers: Objective: kill as many people ASAP and dont let them win

    the weak die the strong survive

  14. My frustrations come from the imbalance of the game I just want a fair chance as a competitor that is all

    But swf , bad maps design , game imbalance makes it hard

    I get swf way way 2 much I had it 25 games in a row a few days ago and I was winning a few but mostly lost by big margins , I don’t mind a challenge but nobody wants to have to sweat 24/7 and I’m also deaf in my right ear so I’m already at a disadvantage in the game don’t appreciate these swf


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