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31 thoughts on “UNFAIR SPIRIT! LUCKY I DIDNT D/C! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Survivor op its a 4v1 and u second chance perks up the ass cry about it and then he gonna complain about death slinger as well……lol a c level killer 🤣 sounds like survivor privilege to me my guy content creators like u are the reason survivors are so toxic complaining about everything being op tell u what as a killer main ill sit in a corner and let yall do all 5 gens then ill go to the gate and open it for u 😉. Pathetic " its a spirit I'm gonna dc" sad from a guy of ur status unsubbed

  2. Lol. I’m on board with True and I feel there is massive imbalance at the high end. SWF is very OP. But I will say NOED is a terrible perk (and I mainly play killer). Not because it doesn’t provide a balance to the imbalance but it’s just a bad way to do that balance. If the survivors have done their job you shouldn’t be able to suddenly punish that by changing the rule set that dramatically. One hit vs two is way too big a change for a single perk. Just my opinion of course but I think you can recognize the deficiency in the SWF killer imbalance while also calling out other poor mechanics.

  3. "omg spirit no counterplay need to nerf spirit otherwise i boycott the game and if they still dont i write all over reddit talking about how op spirit is and shaming on true for saying that there is a counterplay to spirit" sad when everything that statement is basically true but when can you do with entitled survivors that cant look further than the tip of bubba's nose right in front of them

  4. Idk why people expect counterplay to 100% always work in their favor, that's not counterplay, that's not balanced. Some ppl in this community just want the game to always favor them and that's not healthy for the game. I agree that Deathslinger faking his power can be annoying, but it's not op or game breaking, survivors can do the same thing, like fake a window, or 360 into deadhard, etc.


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