50 Hour Killer Queue Finally Popped – Dead by Daylight

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first killer match since 6.1.0


40 thoughts on “50 Hour Killer Queue Finally Popped – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Oh come on Scott, just buy that poor Sadako and use her Call instead of that garbage overcharge, don't be so stubborn about not getting her, you have a lot of auric cells after all

  2. Jesus these survivors were bad, like I'm sorry but holy shit they didn't do literally anything right
    Even looking at the end game screen seeing their perks just is a dead give away they are casual players
    No off the record. Multiple people without an endurance perk. No Prove Thyself. Bad use of Dead hard.
    This map isn't "good" for wraith, these players just don't know wtf they are doing.

  3. The reason you pick overcharge over call of brine is because overcharge albeit takes 30 seconds to start regressing at 2x the speed, it’ll remain regressing at twice the speed for as long as it remains untouched, whilst call of brine regresses the gen at 2x the speed for only a set duration of time, so overcharge just has the better potential of taking away more gen time.

  4. I feel like people really overreacted when this map got a rework, Myers house double vault is strong but that's about it. To me it feels more like a sheltered wood tough map but winnable against most killers.

  5. I gotta say, I've been praising BHVR for some of the recent changes – but gotta call them out on newer maps being garbage, feels like they have regressed in terms of map making. Eyrie of Crows, Garden of Joy, Racoon Police Station and Haddonfield rework all have issues.

  6. Hey that's me! 😀 Yea pretty much there was no way to escape once outside. I knew it was over when those three gens were close in that variant of that map. I had a weird bug when you were clocked you had terror radius still for one cloak. i thought you were using the meme addon or using dark devotion. i was confused after that.

  7. “If you’re a good killer the game seems boring now”. In a video acknowledging the abysmal killer qs. Going to roll back those videos and statements about how great and balanced all of the changes were for the game yet

  8. Call of Brine is also info too, it has surveillance basically built in it gives you a unique notification when they do any skill check on the gen you kick. I usually flip flop between overcharge and COB, but I think this is worth poiniting out.

  9. that 3-gen he pointed out at the end… one time i was doing soloq on this map against a nemesis and we 3-gened ourselves to that area. the end of the game lasted like 20 minutes no joke, but we got a 4 man out bc he never picked up. he just downed and then ran to a gen

  10. Yeah this is exactly why I hate the new haddonfield. The loops in the houses can be very rough, and the outside is literal deadzones. The chases are either impossible to win because there's nothing to use, or you loop the killer for 6 years in a few poorly designed loops. There's like 5-6 fair pallets in the map, where both sides can outplay eachother. If you don't have sprint burst the map is literally unplayable unless you start the chase in the house. The street is also like 7 times the size of an actual street and everything is just humongous. The doors are made for robert wadlow like wtf they're like 10 feet tall.

  11. The worst survivor game I ever played was on this map, last week, against Wraith. He killed all of us – all of us – in under 5 minutes. It was the most brutal, relentless assault and it is my 2nd most depressing survivor game behind a slugging tier 3 myers with 5 gens left.

    This is Wraith's map.

  12. It might be better to replace Sloppy with Dragon's Grip to make dropping chases worth it, in case survivors try to get cocky and tap the gen to prevent it from regressing. You could then replace one of your add-ons with the add-on that applies mangled.

  13. I've been getting fast Killer queues, but I'm also in low ELO hell where I can get 4 hooks without a single gen popping with no slowdown or regression.

  14. best part is when you have those 3 gens at the end of the video and also a gen at the top of the house also. So whatever happens you are screwed unless you rush 2 of those gens very early.

  15. I’m no god survivor, but I tend to pride myself in my ability to hit great skill checks and difficult skill checks.

    Even on my best days, I will miss Overcharge, Oppression, Caulrophobia, or even just run-of-the-mill skill checks.

    Nobody is perfect and to not run a perk on the off-chance people don’t mess up is dumb.

  16. Lightburn is long overdue for being removed from the game. I think enough people know how to spot a cloaked Wraith now that it is unneeded and barely anyone knows Nurse has her own version let alone can actually pull it off. For Wraith it's just super annoying and adds almost nothing to gameplay.
    I dodge any lobby with more than one flashlight as Wraith just because of lightburn whereas I used to only dodge if there were three or four flashlights with other Killers but now that all my Killers have Lightborn I need to set up a pre-load with that and just swap to it as needed.

    Thanks for the video Scott.

  17. i do wish overcharge stayed in its public test state, instead making generators regress based on the highest percentage overall, rather than stacking together. fixes COB + OC without goozling the potential of one-another.


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