50+ Things That’ll Make You Miss Old Dead by Daylight

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Hey everyone, today I thought we’d look back at some of the things people miss the most about DbD. I asked my Discord members what they missed. I thought we’d go through them and discuss the different ideas raised. Let’s get into it.

Thank you to:
Shonzix, PREDATOR35, Cinnamon, Richard Carter, minerry28, Boreshushi, Gin, Liver One, ReeenatoOoOo, Pig, Miyuki, Alpaca, It’s me, I’m the Hoff, Willow, BravestarBDB, Dave, ghosty with the mosty, pulse ÒwÓ, Eeyore, TheWeegee1, AngryFroge, IndieAme, RPDmuvs, DarkBlueGalaxy, moyai, Falka, Waddlez, the lurker, The Mandel, SpinningPoler, jay (:, keat, Trapper buff when???????????, Royal, Kackers, DaGamingSaurus, Raman, AppleJuice, tico, NancyWheeMOVS, Pablo eskobear, Survivor Puddinhg, radiomovs, DoraTheDestroyah, Vicho, Yifenifen, Tincan1103, Angel Stuff, Letho Norgil, WitherMaster9000, Jacob, LoneShadow379, BubbyBoy27, Blighted Movs, Kaito, waluigi, Not a BHVR employee, The Grand Jester, alex., Ministerpräsident, Shonzix, Mr Fox is not a furry, Amytrone1, GromDoesThing.

Clips featured from HybridPanda, not Otzdarva, RDHDavis, @CaptainTripps4, NotBiasedz, and Wobedy.

Videos linked here:
HybridPanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwZGYvAlxY0&t=153s
Otzdarva: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OgCvfzNyHc&t=176s
NotBiasedz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0ugLcXmA9k&t=304s
Wobedy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNBI7bEBf4E&t=60s
RDHDavis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHeZKiWXHxk&t=70s
@CaptainTripps4: https://twitter.com/CaptainTripps4/status/1334769067236986880?s=20

Come discuss over on my Discord: https://discord.gg/azhymovs

Become a Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEAKtKAarSUnjACqZL5fcDw/join

Check out my 2nd channel for content focusing on stuff other than games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnz3TK9TLt6BhKh-P66srtQ

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Maps and features 0:14
Perks and add-ons 2:05
Old powers 5:14
Visuals and sounds 6:23
Retired features 8:59
Bugs and glitches 11:35
Outro 14:11


38 thoughts on “50+ Things That’ll Make You Miss Old Dead by Daylight”

  1. Aww man, I remember the scorching BBQ event! I joined the game right near the end of it before Spirit came out. That was a time, I loved the game, now I'm just here hating it like most people lmao

  2. i miss when appraisal allowed you to pull 4 items out of one chest and when pharmacy increased your chest opening speeds at all times. being a loot goblin was one of the most fun things to do but those perks being nerfed/reworked made it much more difficult.

    i remember in winter 2020 when the santa claudette outfit was released, and i would bring pharmacy, appraisal, plunderers instinct, and ace in the hole so i could pass out gifts to the other survivors.

  3. I’ve been playing dbd since the game was released and being honest I do not miss any of the old stuff other then survivors being potato’s back then, but I don’t know how people miss Hawkins such a terrible maps mostly all indoor maps are terrible and shouldn’t even be in dbd

  4. Ahhh, the old hill bug… back when I was super new to the game, I got trapped in it and the killer let me wiggle off after downing me to get me unstuck. Wherever you are, friendly Myers player, your kindness was greatly appreciated.

  5. i too miss the time where the survivors could press a button to completely mittigate a mistake and keep the chase going for an additional minute.
    i too miss the time where i couldn't carry a survivor to a hook normally and had to take 3 times to normal time because i had to keep putting them down and pick them back up.
    i too miss the time where survivors would just get a free 5 years old style "nuh uh, you didn't hit me" moment once or twice a game.

    thank BHVR these perks are all dead (hard, haha i'm funi) and buried 6 feet under.

  6. As someone on controller the new wiggle system is amazing, I don't have to worry about ruining my joystick. Also, the wiggle system (on ps5) shows you have to press R1 and L1, but you only actually have to hit one. You don't have to press both.

  7. that black bubble appearing upon hooking a survivor also used to show us auras through it until dredge came out… now it block auras so we cant tell which direction the killer goes with kindred in many cases

  8. Cool vid, but what's the point of making the subject of nostalgia appear this small on the screen with some random gameplay occupying like 75%?…

  9. I have an idea to make old euin come back it would do the same red skillcheck BUT it will also decrease the chance of a skillcheck popping on your screan when repairing generators.

  10. kate's volume wasn't a bug, it was intended via the voice actress. she got entire re-voicing before the patch hit live, which for consoles was very long.

    something i personally have nostalgia for, weirdly enough, was when characters didn't have their VA on PTBs. Adam and Yui i specifically remember using Tapp and Meg on the PTB before they went to live. If you don't believe me, go watch old PTB gameplay.

    edit: i went back to look at old gameplay and the old fontface hit me like a train…

    edit2: i was wrong about adam but i'm 100% right about yui, i forgot when they started using pre-existing characters.

  11. i think the konami code is still in, only requirement is having the silent hill chapter and have the killer selected as pyramids head on the main menu, only steam tho i think

  12. This video is the definition of rose-tinted glasses… A lot of this nostalgia was miserable… Ghost Face washing machine music? Hawkin's? OLD RPD!?!? This is like people remembering that Goldeneye was fun, but the controls and gun play was miserable…. Goldeneye was fun tho jus sayin'

  13. I’ve always felt that killers should be allowed a free hex perk slot to always have a secondary objective for survivors during the match which would give passive slowdown. But to do that you’d also have to make a universal hex perk that isn’t garbage or reliant on other hexes. Looking at you Thrill of the Hunt.


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