50 WINS in a Row on SINGULARITY! | Dead By Daylight

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You no longer gain Bloodlust
Successfully hitting a Survivor with a Basic Attack grants you a +5 % Haste
Status Effect for 8/9/10 seconds.

Wounds inflicted by Basic Attacks cause Survivors
Increases the Bleeding frequency of injured Survivors by 50/75/100 %.
Increases the Regression rate at which partial Healing Progression is lost because of Hemorrhage by 15/20/25 %.
Both Status Effects are removed once the Survivor is fully healed.

Whenever you put a Survivor into the Dying State with a Basic Attack, all Generators within 32 meters of your location instantly explode and start regressing.

Instantly regresses affected Generators by 6/7/8 %.

At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:

The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.
Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

The Generator with the most Progression explodes, instantly losing 9/12/15 % of its Progression and starting to regress.
Survivors repairing that Generator will scream, revealing their location.

0:00 – Intro

0:44 – Game 1 (Hard Match)

5:30 – Game 2 (50th Win)


28 thoughts on “50 WINS in a Row on SINGULARITY! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I don't really care about being first but I just wanted to say that it really is nice to see people playing singularity and getting him to p100. Dredge got me into the game but it was singularity was the one to finally pull me into this game. Even though I play on console when I get singularity I just know that I will still enjoy him ❤

  2. I do consider myself a Singularity main now and I’m glad there’s content being made for me. I used to be a Dredge main and while I think Dredge’s learning curve is easier I think Singularity has a higher skill ceiling and higher potential.

  3. hey coco i recently bought the singularity and your builds help me but rn im using the meta one and i dont have all the perks. i have a really hard time with gen rushers and can't seem to get anyone. do you have any tips for it?

  4. When I play Larry and I dont use the best add ons and tunnel a survivor out early on, I always lose my matches and get max 1k. Also I get like 50% indoor maps and would consider myself an average skilled killer on singularity. Any advices on how to improve?
    btw. I already watched your singularity advice video, but most survivors dont fall for the mindgames and gens go to fast for me to get many hooks before the last gen pops.

  5. I don’t know if you’re gonna read this comment but is it possible you can make a video or like a YouTube short on how to play singularity in indoor maps please, or like reply with tips cause I destroy teams on outdoor maps but as soon as I get like Lerys or RPD I literally struggle to get a kill.


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