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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #wesker #riskreward
Still binge playing wesker since his release I’m excited 2 get his 2nd outfit.Fun story I was playing as wesker against a pretty good team I killed 2 of them then the door was opened the final 1 who was hooked but got off decided 2 Tbag at the door she payed the price with uroborus.
5:52 lol I love the lean forward when using coup de grâce. I do that all the time when I play blight, I lean to the side when I lung while in a rush to try and get a hit.
What's up with everyone naming themselves the survivors name with a number ?
It’s a nitpick but I wish Wesker’s gen kick animation was him sticking his tentacles into the gen and then they break it from the inside.
True, you are going to make FILTH Salty XDD, are you not scared it will Tell its Lord and Savior?
Ahh, My hearts sings watching these Filth slip into Eternal Sleep damnation of the After Life, Just to wake up to fight Another True XDD.
I scincerely hope XDD
Man, I am learning from the best XDD
Something that I dont do common sense like not putting survivor on generator hook that is about to finish.
But just proceed on to play on auto mode, I see my mistakes too. XDD I also am the one to blame for giving Filth the opportune to Survive.
Must correct my mistakes. LoL
And yet the killer will be hated on for tunneling when at the same time, nobody tried to take any pressure away from or block for the rescued survivor. As if expecting you to leave them be when they're the only survivor in sight.
Wesker telling The Feng Meow "Just accept your fate" was pretty accurate considering she was getting dead-tunneled 😆
I just realized something watching this video. I think I know why Wesker has the larger terror radius. My theory is that this is a test run on a possible nurse change.
Omggg tru i really really love this thumbnail (: my favorite game ever!!
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