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60 Minutes of 2v8 Killer
In this video, I showcase 60 full minutes of my best killer matches in the new Dead By Daylight 2v8 game mode!
2v8 is only available from July 25th to August 8th
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0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Huntress & Wraith
8:43 – Trapper & Huntress
17:45 – Nurse & Hillbilly
27:55 – Wraith & Huntress
38:12 – Hillbilly & Trapper
44:16 – Hillbilly & Huntress
51:27 – Huntress & Hillbilly
Why don't u try Michel in this mod ….just so many juice and going crazy with evil within 3 ❤❤
This is the most survivor sided gamemode DbD has ever come up with and yet those trash survivors are still complaining about "having a hard time"? Jesus Christ…
Play with guys, not girls, the subscription has been canceled
Is this a permanent game mode?
Never realized how much Spooky sounds like Rick Sanchez
You know it was a nice shot when your wraith teammate is still chasing the guy you downed around the loop because he doesn't realize.
Also, that was a nice hatchet indeed at 58:05. Shame we didn't get to see the part where you tossed to her, she caught it, then downed the Leon with it.
wouldn’t be surprised if the reason Philip wasn’t caging your downs is bc he didn’t want you to think he was “stealing” them bless
That Philip was precious
I was the Leon that got sniped at the end there D: (Great video and much love Spooky!)
Ain’t no way that one Makayla waved you and then stepped in your trap lol
Guden tach? Can you speak german? 🫶💯 @spooky 29:25
I love the games with you and Tokki.
That even on the 5th match was the last surviving trapper main out there
I thought it would be 10 minutes of genrush and 50 of waiting in a lobby
7:44 reminds me of that sponge bob scene “you got a family Phil?”
the best killer team is trapper and huntress together ,it's so easy to win.
That whole main building ia evil on autoheaven. You can put traps through the floor on both doorways and the hill leading up to the window.
This game mode isn’t fun as survivor when every chase you just get sandwiched by the two killers
It’s not even worth playing rn like wtf is up with the lack of points
Remember! As Huntress, If you run out of hatchets, you always have the plan B hatchet. A hillbilly with a chainsaw.