______ Is Boring – Dead by Daylight

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33 thoughts on “______ Is Boring – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I dont agree
    The reason most people are bored is because of survivor not killer.
    The survivors have been effectivly the same for 6 years. New killers give the killer side new gameplay. Survivors have nothing new and they even removed lightburn so now they technically have less fun stuff to do. We need new items or gameplay for the survivor side. That way if a killer eliminates an option the havent removed a third of your gameplay

  2. I've been playing against some killers I enjoy facing recently, which is the majority. However, they all camp or tunnel immediately and it isn't fun at all.

  3. I believe that you are probably thinking too much about it…
    Call me intolerant but the word "boring" in dbd got weaponized against literally EVERY killer in the game depending on how well survivor or a swf does in the match
    By my observation every time I got called "boring" no matter the killer, it was always when I got win. Even on the cesspools of humanity such as twitter or reddit you can see the trend of user made "tierlists" that tend to place the stronger killers on boring level automaticaly, while weaker and weakest killers in the game get usually treated as more "fun" with small exceptions.
    So yeah, the word "boring" is just a way to find an excuse to kill yourself on a hook on start of the match (or give up later) for literally any reason. It is better to not give the but ___ is boring much attention, since it is in 90% of cases just about entitlement of the one claiming it.

  4. What doesn't help the pickrate for fun killers are the shit ton of debris they put into the reworked maps randomly. Most of the killers people find fun – like wesker, Billy or huntress kinda need line of sight or no debris in the way to be able to use their power in an engaging way but BHVR doesn't care I guess

  5. I enjoy playing against almost every killer. They all have their counters and strategies to beat them. Sometimes yes you get a boring game where a bubba camps you to death but most games are fun. I admit pinhead can be rough so can legion and the skull merchant/knight have issues. The rest though tend to have much more interesting gameplay.

  6. The last five killers released 3 have been great dredge whesker and sadako are all very fun to play against. Knight and merchant can be fun. It’s more an issue with the meta using these characters right now. I still find there are more fun killers than bad ones overall though.

  7. I still think BHVR's best bet would be start doing full on "Gameplay update rework" passes. like not just minor adjustments and reworking, but League of legends style. Gut the killer's kit, and rebuild their powers from ground up adding new animations and assets as needed.

    That way it's not only a +1 to good healthy killers to dilute the killer pool, but a -1 to the bad unhealthy killer pool at same time.

  8. I think a high amount of this is over exaggeration, Legions is a huge contender for this as you can actually play the game verses a Legion, no anti looping what so ever, its all about the mindgames and actual looping, I will take 10 Legions over a Nurse any day, people will hate just about anything, and to be honest I have found some Knight plays to be really interesting, caught a banner while in chase with the Knight and the guard, felt really awesome, plus Knights that camp hook often don't know you can just unhook and it sends the guard away, so yeah I don't really care about them, Skull Merchant is eh, because CoB and Overcharge kinda died her 3 gening isn't as what it used to be, but honestly I just don't mind her, I do like facing Pinheads, Artists, Knights, Tricksters things that majority that people say they hate, but just yesterday while playing Demo I ran into someone that said they hated Demo, so yeah I really think that people hate just about anything in this game.

  9. Nice title name, may I complete it Scott?

    Terrorist control of DBD is Boring.
    Four disgusting wannabe pigs working with the killer is boring
    Terrorist fraud of abusing all solo factor for ttv gain is boring.
    Illegal wall hacking racist euro trash natzi dbd league is boring.

  10. May I continue Master Scott?

    Illegally removing others from Twitch is boring.
    Illegally hacking all others with Dev panel is boring. THANKS SPOOKS!
    Illegally abusing others with nepotism fraud with moderation. Boring.
    Illegally removing honesty from all social media. BORING
    Using scripted fraud, and the complacent ignorance of your mass followings to protect abusive terrorists. VERY boring.

  11. One of the main things that make or break a game for me is the mental state of the other party. If I am queueing up for a match for fun, but they are playing competative. Then I simply won't have a good time.
    I think this kind of links to the fact that the 1600+ MMR is just "unrated, but without absolute babies." I wish there was a split between casual and competative. Sure that would lead to some people sweating it out in the casual queue, but it will make the games more consistent on what people are playing it to be like.
    I wouldn't mind if they kept the current MMR system as the casual queue, and then pushed ranked out as the old iron to iridescent system. Since a lot of the time when people are being "sweats" in my games, they discuss pips. I do not care about pips, sure the 1 mill bp is nice, but ultimately I have reached red 1 many times before. It isn't a goal for me now.

  12. Well said! I think it's also hard when just about any killer can be played in a way that's not fun which stacks on top of unfun maps and killers who are already unfun. The same goes for survivor only you never know what survivor(s) are going to be the sweatiest try hards of all time running full meta and what survivors are just trying to have a good time. There's a lot of room to not have fun and only a few where you do.

  13. I might be a bit biased bc I've said something along the lines of this before but I think you're correct about that.

    My alternative solution…

    Just remove the killers who are too far gone(Ie knight and skull)

    Tbh though idk how the devs would fix it bc the rate at which they add new things and fix old stuff just isn't good enough to keep the game majority fun.

  14. The only boring thing that is happening is killers going unpunished for tunneling and camping and survivors going unpunished for trolling their teammates and taunting the killer.

  15. It’s just obvious to me that BHVR is just a bunch of RE fans. Wesker and Nemmy are 2 of the most well thought out killers in the game and they’ve had their worst killer designs around this era of the game.

  16. There was another video a few years back by a man named Rowby (jerks guide to _ videos) where he was talking about old Freddy vs. New Freddy and one line he said was asking , "what happened in the beginning as compared to now?" the answer was 5 years and those 5 years are up against me and the whole player base it's become the game where people are bored because they've seen it all so there's nothing new to bring people back. new killers don't matter if the play style is the same as what they've faced before i.e. Skull merchant and knight, 3 gen overlords, but other killers do just as well with 3 gens like doctor (the creator of the 3 gen) teleporting to gens and high Mobility to get to gens; Billy did it first then it became commonplace for a LOT of high Mobility killers to have similar effects and playstyles. The real problem is that most of these killers don't have a power to introduce a new style of play because their power can equated to another killers power. There are very few Unique powers in DBD anymore because the objectives never change so you can only build around that constant so many times

  17. I feel like there should be a way to decide which killer you want to play against. That would highlight the killers no one wants to play against and they can look into that. I mean people dc and stand still when they get skull merchant anyways

  18. I think all killers can be fun to play against but it is depending on the one who plays the killer. If he decides to play in a legit way then the games are usually super fun. But i get many killers dont want to do that anymore since its mostly not reconised anyway wich is a pity. I think the biggest problem for dbd is not killers nor map balancing but rather the toxic community who push eachother to play in a certain way to upset the opponent on both sides and this leads to a chain of people doing the same to others what they experienced before someone did to them.

  19. I personally dont find boring most of the killers.( I dont like versing skull merchant, legion, doctor and plague) but for the other killers i just like going against them. What i hate is my stupid teammates

  20. A lot of these "boring" killers could be fixed by a rework. Skull Merchant, Knight, Twins, and Bubba desperately need a rework for instance. We just need to first admit that their design is not good and start suggesting reworks to BHVR in the hopes that they will listen.

    For SM for instance, just take away 2 of her drones, make 1 into a remote control drone with a machine gun that plays like Trickster and needs recharges, and the other a patrolling survey drone similar to what we have now. You can completely get rid of the visible drone wall and the undetectable around drones. Maybe add a brown addon that changes out her remote control drone to a predator cloak?


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