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Yeah these two builds were terrible. Feel free to use them.
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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:
Freddy is fun when you make an endgame build for him. I suggest blood warden, remember me, Noed, and then whatever perk you choose, i personally like infectious fright
Next he will play wraith with every perk that makes him undetectable
"What did we learn"
That Blood Oni sucks
''Without gearhead no build is bad.''
– A random killer main
Why is oni useful? His power is such a downgrade compared to hill billy
As the clock timed 3 58 otz was never heard from again
1:03 "I'm gonna catch her on 25 seconds"
1:25 downs her
Otz' internal clock is on point
Fun fact: He actually catch Nea in 25 seconds, after teleporting to that gen at 0:59
everyone gangsta until the Yun-Jin says 3:58
Otz: Look at that. I was in two places at once! No other killers can do that.
Twins: Am I joke to you?
11:38 Otz calls his family dummy thicc
“Do they have any kind of synergy? Yes! They are all terrible.”
I think survivors can mori the killer at 3:58…
Oni has home field advantage smh
Shame, no points for Gryffindor. I don't think 358 counts as saying something nasty.
7:04 Does Otz do a Tru impression there? lol
Totally not Otz almost willingly throwing at the start of the game
Can u make a ghostface build vid
Freddy’s real power here, as displayed beautifully in this video, is hitting people through every single pallet

Otz is the real DLC Killer
Thumbs down for not playing the oni game on blood lodge
1:45 Otz angry, damn boy
Otz "This build made me angry" me wondering if his face cam is going to die
These builds seems to be the Weekly shrines one somehow
You forgot to use renjiro's bloody glove on the oni game smh
“Even Otz can get mad at playing Freddy” some wise man idk
6:42 – I was in two places at once, no other killer can do that.
sad The Twins noises
Hopefully innthe future Otz will do a video titled "Builds on killers which I'm allergic to Vol 1". I'd love to see how he handles that.
Survivors that DC are small pp energy
Oh god, not Patrick!
I've tried to make this build work too, tho i used jump rope over swing chains to stack the stridor effect. Let's just say this is a good example of what trying to do something fun in dbd looks like…
Psycho streamer hits people with gardening utensils and big sticks, read all about it!