A Guide On How Not To Tilt In DBD | Dead by Daylight

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This is a commentary & guide on how to avoid tilt in Dead by Daylight. It takes time to learn the game, be patient and don’t be too hard on yourself. I use to get frustrated at the smallest of stuff, but over time, it’ll be easier to play really well or bad but still keep a level head.

Also definitely go check out the creators feature in the intro clips, I love watching em play DBD and I’m sure you would too:


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🎵 Outro Song: 3XQ by Baron Grand 🎵


25 thoughts on “A Guide On How Not To Tilt In DBD | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Most of the time i really could care less if i win or lose. If i get all 4 great awesome, 3 cool still a win, 2 ok 50/50 gg, 1 i sucked or they were better than me and 0 meh i can just play again. So many people come at me for being good or being bad. The only thing that is that the salty toxic people chat with me to tell me am trash or what not i either talk to them to just to fuck with em or ignore. Why would these people waste time to reach you its a game. I play a game to have a good time.

  2. The way you think is something I’m gonna heavily incorporate, even more so now. I’ve gotten way better with not letting situations get to my head, but sometimes they do. I appreciate you for making this video, cuz it will help a lot of new players learn about what this game can hold. I remember when I had 75 hours in DBD, and I was playing killer as huntress. I went up against a 4K hour average SWF team who absolutely kicked my ass. The example of “hey come chase me” while clicking a flashlight is what happened that game. I killed the one with the flashlight macro, and the others left. Even if the situation resolved itself the next day, with everyone apologizing on both sides; you gotta think man… people are gonna be new. People are gonna be bad. So why be rude if the killer seems to not be at the skill level? Thankfully, I don’t get annoyed if I get outplayed anymore, I just say gg and move on. Take rapid’s advice seriously, it saves experiencing a lot of unneeded stress. ❤️

  3. sounds like common sense to me, but in the few years i've been playing dbd, toxicity really does seem to be a survivor side thing. i mostly play survivor, i've only had like maybe 2 or 3 killers be dicks in end game chat? but the amount of other survivors i've seen insult other players in endgame . . . i couldn't even tell ya. one dude added me as a friend on steam so he could shit talk me. guy was friggin farmin people off hook in front of the killer and wondering why everyone died so quick . . . anyways, good vid, great reminder for people to retain their perspective that it's just a game, have fun.

  4. In my opinion staying calm is important in dead by daylight or else you're throwing the game and if you're not calm enough you would just complain like this guy RapidMain said in the video. From staying calm or something other than tilting i just realized that sometimes playing for fun actually gives you better performance than your typical "serious" mode. SO if some of y'all still tilting and trying their best to stay calm as possible, don't worry, you will make it soon enough. I promise you it will be worth the effort!
    Sub RapidMain

  5. Idk if you can say you were tunneled if you took a BT hit…to me, tunnelling is when the killer goes out of their way to only chase 1 person until they're out.

    – outside of basement hook camping or hook camping with bubba or Trickster…its probably the only toxic part of the game.

    Camping sucks, but its punishable by simply trading at the end of Hook State 1 until all of the gens are done and then leave them with the 1k.

    I'm very much of the opinion that theres nothing "toxic" that a survivor can do. Anything people say is toxic actually costs the survivor time which helps the killer. – Probably a very unpopular opinion

    People seem to think they can control how others play the game and they waste so much energy trying to.

  6. My favourite DBD reactions isn't rage – it is the reactions of sheer confusion/bafflement and watching the life of expectations leave your body as ping, hitboxes and bad plays defy all logic and common sense.

  7. I'm gonna be honest… I feel like maliciously doing things like hard camping, flashlight trolling and just doing shitty things like that that just makes it to where you're having fun at someone else's expense (seriously if you're playing the game just to piss off the other person intentionally that is toxic) there needs to be something in place to curb that kind of behavior.

    And I know I'm gonna get crucified for this but idgaf:
    – Flashlight trolling is basically the equivalent of pointing a laser in someone's eye and frankly if people keep doing that I hope they come across someone who's running lightborn and Franklin's demise.
    – Hard camping is just ridiculous. Patrolling around a little and making it harder for the other players to help someone who's being a jerk or just late game stuff is fine but sitting there just to watch one person get sacrificed? It hurts everyone bruh.
    – Obviously, if someone acts toxic over a loss in a video game they need to chill and grow up. Seriously it's a game, and one loss isn't bad

  8. both survivors and killers just LOVE to call one another toxic.. but I love how killer mains will defend camping/tunneling and call it a legit playstyle (which it is, if that's how you wanna play, go ahead) but then when a swf are unhooking one another, flashlight saves, pallet saves, then they are suddenly toxic for playing that way instead of doing gens..

  9. When opponent outplays me, I don't blame them.
    When survivor protects their teammate, I don't blame them.
    When survivor taunts me with flashlight/teabagging to make me want to chase them, I don't blame them even though it's little bit unpleasant.
    When survivors prolong the game by waiting in exit and spamming flashlight/teabagging, I certainly blame them for being toxic because they simply ARE mean…
    When killer tunnels/camps me because they are trying to make a comeback and win, I don't blame them even though it is a bit annoying.
    When killer is chasing me for the WHOLE game for no reason and ignores generators / all other survivors, I blame them for ruining the game for me…
    When I play against whole team of good survivors with 4k+ hours in the game, as a killer with barely 20 hours in the game, I blame matchmaking aka MMR aka game developers.
    When I see how OP boon totems are, I blame developers of the game.
    When I see cheaters, I blame useless anti-cheat aka game developers.


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