A Look Back On Dead By Daylight's Most Game Breaking Bug Ever

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Intro: 0:00
The Bug: 1:07


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30 thoughts on “A Look Back On Dead By Daylight's Most Game Breaking Bug Ever”

  1. When you could modify files of the game to give yourself an unfair advantage or even server-wide super speed that would affect not just your actions, but also actions of opposing party without their consent. It was a wild west, i tell ya.

  2. Ummmmmm I mean I would pay to see a movie with Michael killing someone with a chainsaw is this a little bit too much for saying this I don’t know anymore🤣🤣🤣 ummm I’m just going to go play a different game. Come to think of it I think I thought, long and hard for the new sequel to Halloween. I should go do something else and that’s what I’m going to. I feel weird and awkward now ok by

  3. Chapter spotlight voice: "Bring terror to the realm with; Copycat. Upon activation, Copycat allows you to use any other killers power against your prey. This perk is available to both killers and survivors, so you can be a threat even to your own teammates."

  4. I really do think that if the devs were to create different game modes based on these wacky bugs or hell even just allowing brand new players to experience the old maps prior to their reworks, that would really breathe a bit of light-heartedness back into DBD. Many things have been changed in the name of balance and many people proclaim that the game is just pure stress now due to all of that. Something like these mode ideas could help break that mentality. Everyone loves goofiness here and there.


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