A *NEW* DEAD BY DAYLIGHT GAME?! | Home Sweet Home: Survive (Early Access Beta)

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The developers of Home Sweet Home made a new multiplayer game! Can they SURVIVE?
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Initial thoughts after playing Home Sweet Home: Survive for a little bit tonight – we had fun, but it’s really needing a lot of polish at the moment. It has potential though, and chases can be pretty intense / fun. Just don’t go into it expecting a new superior DBD, it’s just a fun alternative in current form to mess around in! 🙂

@Blessious @VersusTheInternet @Bryce Games – Bryce McQuaid @Dorkshadow


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49 thoughts on “A *NEW* DEAD BY DAYLIGHT GAME?! | Home Sweet Home: Survive (Early Access Beta)”

  1. Hi guys! Meant to get this up a little bit earlier, but here's some footage of Home Sweet Home: Survive! I figured I'd show my killer rounds, she has the ability to teleport near a random survivor once every 50ish seconds or so, a shield she can use to deflect stuns/attacks, and a spirit shift of sorts which shows her survivors on the map. Survivors have to finish 3 rituals on the map to trigger the end game, they're kind of like generators, once done they can start escaping.

    We had fun with it, some of the chases like in the 2nd round can be really intense. Definitely janky though, but we expected it would be considering this was the pre-early access version. Hopefully they can polish it up, and get it closer to DBD in the quality department! If you want more let me know! 🙂

  2. I liked it & enjoyed it. But doesnt feel like it will survive like dbd did for years, will get boring after a month or so. It definitely needs a bit intensity for more fun. Hmm how do i put it in words…🤔 like during chases & teleports for it to be more scary it needs more intense music & sound effects.. also needs a bit more horror visuals.. maybe darker lighting so it will need torches to navigate through some sections of map. Would make it so much scary & fun. Also i did feel the teleport ability was op, popping up right beside surviver is not fair. 😂

  3. This game looks more killer/spirit sided with OP abilities like teleporting to survivors, seeing them while invisible, being invisible for a long time, and no cooldown for hits. Plus the stuns on the spirit only last for three seconds and the rituals takes a very, very long time to comlete.

  4. WOW Ohmwrecker mate, that game looks fantastic and amazing, it looks very difficult to play but once you get a grasp on the controls and the way the game is played it's makes amazing content. Thankyou Ohm mate, please play some more Home sweet Home as the survivor and please play At Dead Of Night. Thankyou so much Ohmwrecker mate.

  5. ill watch this game with great interest, but not impressed atm, seems like the killers are to overpowered with the biggest hindrance being the hit boxes and them just having fun


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